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May 4, 2015 Day A LUNCH Math English Science Social Studies Locker

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Presentation on theme: "May 4, 2015 Day A LUNCH Math English Science Social Studies Locker"— Presentation transcript:

1 May 4, 2015 Day A LUNCH Math English Science Social Studies Locker

2 ACTIVATOR: Take out your H.W.
(2) Write down your answers to the following questions in your notebook or agenda: How long does it take you to come to school every day? (answer in minutes). What is your favorite color? What kind of music do you like to listen to? How many hours a week do you exercise?

3 OBJECTIVE(S) SWBAT: Examine and sort different questions to classify them as categorical data vs. numerical data and identify which real-world questions are statistical vs. non-statistical questions. 6.SP.1 May 4, [Day A]


5 Vocabulary Statistical one that asks for information question that will vary from source to source or person to person (there will be more than one answer) Categorical a set of data whose answers data are categories or words Numerical a set of data whose answers data are numbers

6 Reflecting on the activator
Which questions generate numerical data? Which questions generate categorical data?

7 How do you feel? topic.

8 Sorting Activity With your partner, sort the questions into groups. Make sure you are able to defend how you sorted them. How did your group your statements and why? Answer the questions. Sort the questions into two groups, with regard to how each question can be answered, and what type of data is generated.

9 Categorical and Numerical Questions
Independently take 5 minutes and complete the categorical and numerical questions worksheet. Turn and talk to your neighbor to compare your answers. If your answer is different, defend your reasoning. (3 minutes) Whole class check in. (2 minutes)

10 Which of the following is a statistical question?
A. How old is our math teacher? B. How many hours per week, on average do students in our math class exercise? C. Do students in our math class exercise? D. Why do many people dislike spiders?

11 Which of the following is a statistical question?
A. How tall is the oak tree? B. How much did the tree grow in one year? C. What are the heights of the oak trees in the schoolyard? D. What is the difference in height between the oak tree and the pine tree?

12 Which of the following is a statistical question?
A. How many instruments do you own? B. How much did your first instrument cost? C. How old were you when you started playing an instrument? D. How long are the songs you practice playing on your instrument?

13 How do you feel? topic.

14 Statistical Question Practice
Independently complete the statistical question practice problems.

15 Closing Statistical questions anticipates the variability in the data related to the question and accounts for it in the answers. “How old am I?” is not statistical, but “How old are the students in my school” is because it anticipates variability in student’s ages.

16 Closing Categorical questions will have answers that are categories or number categories Numerical questions will have answers that are in numbers and can be statistically analyzed.

17 Ticket-to-Go (on sticky note)
Determine if the question, What is your favorite subject in school? is a statistical or a non-statistical question and what type of data it generates (categorical or numerical).

18 Homework: Categorical and numerical questions homework
May 4, [Day A]

19 Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as
needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners Practice problems leveled based upon understanding of statistical vs. non-statistical problems

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