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` By Daniel Hansson.

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Presentation on theme: "` By Daniel Hansson."— Presentation transcript:

1 ` By Daniel Hansson

2 What to Include in your Method
a) Design b) Participants c) Materials d) Procedure

3 Design Identify independent variable, dependent variable and controls
Identify and justify design Ethical considerations

4 Do Not Forget! The independent variable must be measured with ordinal data (data that can be quantified with measures of central tendency and dispersion; e.g. mean, mode, standard deviation, range)

5 Examples of Experimental designs
Repeated measures design (within subject design Independent measures design (between subject design)

6 Repeated measures design
Each participant takes part in all conditions of the independent variable. Justification: Individual variables are kept constant between conditions, fewer subjects are required

7 Independent Measures Design
Two or more separate groups take the various conditions of the independent variable. Justification: No order/practice effects, more difficult for participants to guess the aim of the experiment, same test can be used for both groups (control)

8 Possible Ethical Considerations for your Experiment
Informed consent Respect for participant´s integrity (anonymity and confidentiality of findings) Minimal stress Justification of deception Right of withdrawal Debriefing Protect anonymity by not including the name of the school within the report

9 Participants Sampling method – must be sample of opportunity
Identification of target population Characteristics of sample (number of participants, level of English, age, gender distribution) Selection and allocation procedures must be identified and justified

10 Sampling The process of selecting subjects to study from a target population (a group of people with particular characteristics) Subjects must be randomly allocated to each condition/group

11 Opportunity Sample Opportunity/convenience sampling: Choosing participants that are available and around Justification: convenience, time constraints

12 Materials Any material that was specifically developed for the experiment should be listed and referenced to a sample copy included in the appendices

13 Procedures An accurate description of how the experiment was carried out Chronological order, may be in bullet points Enough detail so that the study can be replicated Must include development of materials and how ethical guidelines have been applied (e.g. Informed consent and debriefing) It is recommended to use standardized instructions Refer to the appendix for the consent form, debriefing notes, standardized instructions and developed materials

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