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Innovations of e-prescriptions in Albania

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1 Innovations of e-prescriptions in Albania
Innovations of e-prescriptions in Albania. Electronic drug prescriptions in Fier region, processes and challenges. To foster accountability and efficiency in drug prescriptions, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MoHSP) of Albania jointly with the Health Insurance Fund (HIF) are promoting and setting-up an electronic drug prescription system linking prescribers (health services) with drug dispensers (pharmacies). The SDC Health for all Project assists these efforts for e-prescription in Fier. During 6 months study Oct 2017-March 2018, online and paper-based surveys were organised with doctors, pharmacists and Health Insurance Fund staff % of all doctors participated in the survey.75.5% prefer e-prescription compared to the paper version, only 24.5% of them prefer still paper prescription. Most of the reasons are working in remote areas, lack of electricity or internet so it is not possible to issue e-prescriptions. They suggest that the system includes also medication protocols, patient medical record. 85% of all doctors agreed that e-prescription reduce time one administrative activities, thus having more time for direct patient interactions % of pharmacists agree that the system helps them collaborate better with Health Insurance, prevent them from making errors and monitor amount of money they will be reimbursed. We conclude that e-prescription system promoted by the MoHSP and HIF is well accepted by involved parties and has the potential for efficiency gains in drug dispensing. Author: Erion Selimi – Health for All Project, Health Insurance Fund, Albania.

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