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Science Planner /6/16 WALT: Scaling the Sun-Earth-Moon system.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Planner /6/16 WALT: Scaling the Sun-Earth-Moon system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Planner 10/6/16 WALT: Scaling the Sun-Earth-Moon system.
WU: Calculate your age in seconds (approximately) estimate the number of days past your last B-day. Example: Mr. Miller is approx. 300 days past his last B-day. I rounded and used 30 days per month. CW: Read Pages 18-21, Read together. Discussion to follow. Sun-Earth-Moon to scale




5 Notes Sun to Earth distance – 93,000,000 miles. Diameter of Sun – 835,000 miles. Earth Diameter – 8000 miles *This is a correction*

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