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Investing in Volunteers Introductory Workshop

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1 Investing in Volunteers Introductory Workshop

2 Objectives of Workshop
Familiarise your organisation with the Investing in Volunteers Standard Outline the 6 steps to achieving the award and the support and guidance available Clarify the roles and responsibilities of your organisation, the assessor and any local partner Provide guidance in undertaking the initial self assessment. Identify the issues to consider when managing the accreditation process within your organisation.

3 About you Your name Your role
What’s great about the volunteering scheme in your organisation?

4 What is Investing in Volunteers?
UK quality standard for the involvement of volunteers within an organisation. An agreed level of quality. QUALITY STANDARD INVESTING IN VOLUNTEERS UK QUALITY STANDARD for organisations that involve volunteers Outlines what a volunteer involving organisation should be doing to reach a certain standard in volunteer management

5 Where did the Standard come from?
Wandsworth Volunteer Bureau, South London no way of knowing if volunteers received good standard of management in placement organisations so developed the Standard – i.e. level of quality expected. 3 neighbouring London Boroughs joined - Wandle Valley Partnership. 3 year pilot was successful Independent evaluation recommended Standard be rolled out across UK. Guardianship passed to the UK Volunteering Forum. 1995 1998 2003 Successfully running since then, reviewed in 2009.

6 What is Investing in Volunteers?
Based on the four areas of volunteer management Supporting & retaining volunteers Selecting & matching volunteers Planning for volunteer involvement Recruiting volunteers Designed to: improve an organisation’s volunteer management; publicly demonstrate and promote commitment to volunteering.

7 Indicators and Practices
The Standard is made up of 9 Indicators 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 Practices 5 Practices 5 Practices 5 Practices 4 Practices 5 Practices 5 Practices 4 Practices 4 Practices in total Demonstrate you meet the indicator 46 Practices

8 Indicators Indicator 1 There is an expressed commitment to the
involvement of volunteers, and recognition throughout the organisation that volunteering is a two-way process which benefits volunteers and the organisation. Indicator 2 The organisation commits appropriate resources to working with volunteers, such as money, management, staff time and materials. Indicator 3 The organisation is open to involving volunteers who reflect the diversity of the local community and actively seeks to do this in accordance with its stated aims. Read through and give examples at each indicator

9 Indicators Indicator 4 The organisation develops appropriate roles for
volunteers in line with its aims and objectives, which are of value to the volunteers. Indicator 5 The organisation is committed to ensuring that, as far as possible, volunteers are protected from physical, financial and emotional harm arising from volunteering. Indicator 6 The organisation is committed to using fair, efficient and consistent recruitment procedures for all potential volunteers. Read through and give examples at each indicator

10 Indicators Indicator 7 Clear procedures are put into action for introducing new volunteers to their role, the organisation, its work, policies, practices and relevant personnel. Indicator 8 The organisation takes account of the varying support and supervision needs of volunteers. Indicator 9 The whole organisation is aware of the need to give volunteers recognition. Read through and give examples at each indicator

11 6 Step Process Step 1 Getting Started Step 2 Self Assessment
Step 3 Development Plan Step 4 Assessment Visit(s) Step 5 England & National Quality Assurance (Unsuccessful – Return to Step 3 or Appeal) Step 6 Achievement of Award! * Recommend completion within 12 months * Not a portfolio based assessment

12 Self-Assessment Compare or measure what you are doing now against the 9 indicators (46 practices) Evidence to be submitted with Self-Assessment: 3 Pieces of evidence Frequently referred to Current (reviewed within 2 years) Range of formats; written, electronic, photos, leaflets Focus on written evidence, will get oral evidence at step 4! Remember – some evidence can be used to demonstrate several practices!

13 Your verdict … Met Partly Met Not Met You carry out the practice
You have identified evidence Confident its being implemented Partly Met Partly carry out practice – Needs adapting/ improving Not implemented consistently Not Met Do not carry out practice Little or no evidence *Remember YOU are responsible for reviewing your policies and practices against good practice.

14 Self Assessment Have a go!

15 Self-Assessment Who will carry it out?
How will those involved in completing it know what is happening on the ground? Recommend: 2-3 colleagues, including management committee/Board member. Carry it out individually first See Guidance Note for Organisations on Completing Self-Assessment

16 6 Step Process - timeline
Step 1 Introductory Workshop ……………………….. Step 2 Complete and hand in Self Assessment …… Verbal and Written feedback from Assessor… Step 3 Write and hand in Development Plan. … Assessor’s comments …………………………. Implement Development plan………………… Step 4 Arrange Assessment Visit(s) ………………….. Carry out Assessment Visit(s)………………. Assessor produces Assessment Report …….. Step 5 England Quality Assurance …………………… UK Quality Assurance Panel (Endorsed) ……. Step 6 Organisation Receive Award – Celebrate! Review and plan for sustaining good practice… Today 6 weeks from today 8 weeks from today 12 weeks from today 3.5 months By 9.5 months (from date contract signed) 11 months 12 months 13 months 13-16 months Ongoing

17 Assessor: roles and responsibilities
1.Introduce themselves to you at the beginning of the process (Step 1). 4.Identify gaps you need to meet through your development plan. 2. Agree deadlines. 5. Signpost to sources of help and advice 3. Give verbal and written feedback on your self-assessment.

18 Assessor: roles and responsibilities
6. Liaise with Contact Person to arrange assessment visit(s) and interviews 8.Make a judgement about whether your organisation meets the Standard 7.Undertake an Assessment Visit(s) 9.Write an Assessor’s report and submit it to the Quality Assurance Process

19 Organisation: roles and responsibilities
Gain commitment from and involve staff, volunteers and Management in the process Complete a Self Assessment and a Development Plan Communicate with Assessor Complete tasks required to bring practices and materials in line with good practice advice and resources supplied Assessment Visit(s) Organise a list of potential interviewees and their availability, a suitable room and any written evidence requested by your Assessor Respect deadlines

20 Managing the process How will you manage the process within your organisation? Communication Promotion Ownership Review Decisions Implementing

21 Your Steering Group Who should sit on your group?
How often will you meet? Face to face meetings? consultations? Who sets agendas? Who circulates papers? Who takes minutes? How are decisions communicated? Will you have a sub group?

22 Potential … Benefits Barriers

23 Support and Guidance Resource Pack
Local VC partner Investing in Volunteers Advisor

24 Restricted Area of the Investing in Volunteers Web Site
Step 1 Getting Started Step 2 Self Assessment Step 3 Development Plan Step 4 Assessment Step 5 Quality Assurance Step 6 Achievement of award


26 Benefits Increased recognition of the time and energy volunteers give to your organisation A professional approach to managing volunteers A safe environment through risk assessment, health and safety and other practical measures that hadn’t been in place before Relevant documentation that volunteers can refer to at any time

27 Benefits Public demonstration of your organisation’s commitment to volunteering and quality Raise profile of your organisation Assist in volunteer recruitment Reassure funders that their money will be well spent Boost staff and volunteers’ morale Display award and use of logo for 3 years

28 Top Tips! Keep your volunteers informed of what is happening.
Make sure all members of your staff and management board understand the procedures. Allow plenty of time for implementing the Development Plan stage, as it can take longer than anticipated. At the same time, don’t get too bogged down with paper work - get the practice operational. Keep up to date with current legislation.

29 Top Tips! Be honest and transparent about the types and numbers of volunteers. Use expertise from outside of the organisation Don’t do it on your own, speak to other organisations who have been through IiV Don’t make it the responsibility of one person to do all the work. Keep a simple filing system.

30 Objectives of Workshop
Familiarise your organisation with the Investing In Volunteers Standard Outline the 6 steps to achieving the award and the support and guidance available Clarify the roles and responsibilities of your organisation and others Provide guidance in undertaking the initial self assessment. Identify the issues to consider when managing the accreditation process within your organisation.

31 Thank You

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