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Ms. Merrick’s Second Grade Classroom

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Merrick’s Second Grade Classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Merrick’s Second Grade Classroom

2 Thank you so much for coming!
Welcome to Portable 1 Thank you so much for coming! Please: Look through the curriculum packet on your child’s desk Read about your child's first week of school and write a note to your child if you have time Take a look at the rest of the handouts and use the post-it notes to write down any questions that you may have

3 Who is Ms. Merrick? I have been at Creekside for 3 years
(Student teaching with Jenny Emsky & subbing within the district.) Graduated from Washington State University in elementary education GO COUGS! Who is Ms. Merrick?

4 My Philosophy Why do I teach?
I believe that learning is an important part of growing and I love being a part of that. I strongly believe in providing a fun, safe, structured, and nurturing learning environment. My hope is that we will all learn something new every day. The students take a big part in making this classroom the community that helps each one to grow. They help me make decisions on classroom procedures and provide each other with the support and friendship that everyone needs. This is our classroom.

5 Attendance Be on time & let the office know if your child has appointments that interfere with school. Please make going home arrangements prior to coming to school. It can be difficult to arrange last minute changes during dismissal and can be confusing. Keep your child home if he/she is ill. Make-up work may be provided upon your child’s return.

6 Class Expectations Bucket Fillers Fun Friday Minutes Classroom points
Creekside Way

7 Positive Behavior and Social Emotional Support (PBSES)
“The Otter Way” Be Respectful, Responsible, Safe, and Kind (Students are taught what this looks like in all areas around the school… classrooms, specialists, hallways, lunch room, etc.) Creekside Coins: Students earn these for demonstrating the expectations and get recognized as a class when they reach certain landmarks. Social Emotional Learning: We’re using the Second Step Curriculum to teach these critical skills. These lessons are taught by the counselor and teachers.


9 K-5 Social Emotional Learning Curriculum Second Step
Builds Positive Social, Emotional and Behavior Skills + Self management +Self Awareness + Relationship Skills +Social Awareness +Responsible Decision Making Second Step Talking Points Second Step is our district adopted curriculum to teach students Social Emotional Learning skills in the classroom on a regular basis. Self management, relationship skills, self awareness, social awareness and responsible decision making are the overarching SEL competencies covered in all K-5 classrooms with a focus on Skills for learning, empathy, emotion management, problem solving The goal of Second Step is to proactively teach positive social, emotional and behavior skills, which positively impact students’ social, emotional and academic success. This is done through classroom teachers teaching lessons throughout the month, skill practice, reinforcement activities and parent communication called Home Links. Research has shown that children with social emotional skills can have empathy, manage strong emotions, solve interpersonal problems, make friends, get along well with others, and persist at tasks and follow directions. The Second Step curriculum is one way that we are building these skills in our students.

10 Specialists Schedule Monday: 9:45-10:15 Music Tuesday: 11:20-11:50 PE Wednesday: No Specialists Thursday: 9:45-10:15 Music Friday: 9:45-10:15 Library 11:20-11:50 PE

11 General Schedule Line up outside @ 9:05-9:10 Class starts @ 9:15
Morning work Math 11:50-12:10 Lunch 12:10-12:30 Read to self Writing, Social Studies 2:20 2:40-3:00 Planner, Pack, Sharing time

12 Reading/Balanced Literacy
Making Meaning Curriculum Guided Reading with leveled books Independent Reading Read Aloud Word Study – Phonics/Spelling Online Reading Program (RAZKids) At Home Reading: Fill in the Reading Log and return it weekly. Reading time at home is minutes daily. *Packets will be sent home every Friday and returned the following Friday of the next week*

13 Lucy Calkins Writing Curriculum
Narrative Writing Informational Writing Nonfiction, All About ___, Lab Reports Fiction Writing Persuasive Writing (Book Reviews and Opinions) Poetry Choice Writing Letter Writing (class and celebrations)

14 Eureka Math A comprehensive curriculum written by a team of teachers and mathematicians who took great care to present mathematics in a logical progression, preparing students to understand advanced math Developed specifically to meet the math standards adopted by our state Connects math to the real world in ways that take the fear out of math and build student confidence Teaches math as a “story” to build students’ mathematical knowledge logically and help them achieve deep understanding This approach can be unfamiliar to those of us who grew up memorizing mathematical facts and formulas

15 Science Organisms - Plants (Aquatic & Wooodland) - Animals (Aquatic & Woodland) Life Cycle of Plants Engineering Process (Hand Pollinators) Force & Motion Sun & Shadows Science Fair

16 The Big Ideas for the year are Community Citizenship and Government, Community Economics, Community History and Geography State Standards Covered in Units: Civics, Economics, Geography, History and Social Studies C3 Framework- Inquiry based approach based on multiple perspectives and points of view to promote Global Citizenship. Unit 1 ends with a Taking action project that is student led. SEL Curriculum falls under Social Studies category

17 Twelve lessons focusing on topics that include:
Health Twelve lessons focusing on topics that include: Staying Safe Preventing the spread of disease The heart Stress Healthy eating

18 Keyboarding, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, RAZKids, & Zearn Math
Technology Computer Lab will be once a week, but it will now take place within the classrooms using our portable laptop cart Classroom laptops & desktops Portable laptop cart We will be working on… Keyboarding, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, RAZKids, & Zearn Math

19 Homework 15 Minutes of reading 5 nights each week (record the minutes on your child’s Friday reading log packet) 5 minutes of “Word Work” using the words from the spelling list in students day planners Day Planners: Please go over your child’s day planner and initial in the “date box” each evening. Students should have their planners in class and bring them back daily. They should know to show you them when they take them home. Projects: Keep it simple and let your child do the work. Leader of the Week

20 Student of the Week Big Idea: Communities are groups of people living all around the world! Each child will study a child from a different country. Information envelopes with a world map to help your child will be sent home the week prior to their presentation. Please be sure to return the envelope. Keep it simple! Students may use other resources and present using the document camera to show pictures or create a PowerPoint presentation. Students may present any time during their assigned presentation week, preferably on Thursday.

21 Weekly Newsletters via Skyward/Email Conferences in December
Communication I believe that parent communication is a fundamental part of your student’s success and learning. Please, never hesitate to me if there are any questions that come up throughout the school year. I use communication through: ** Announcements on the Connect Classroom Website (TBD) Weekly Newsletters via Skyward/ Conferences in December

22 This is a big year for your kiddos!
Student Success This is a big year for your kiddos! Your students will struggle, but that’s okay! The content will be difficult at first, but they will get to where they need to be. Don’t be afraid to let them fail and learn from their mistakes. Second grade is a big jump from first grade and students are learning to be responsible, independent learners.

23 District Tests Fountas and Pinnell (Reading) – September, February, May Iowa Achievement Test – January CoGat/SOI – March

24 Wenli Mithal (425) 837-7106
Mandarin speaker (At Creekside on Tuesday mornings! ) The Family Partnership Liaison role: Introduce, facilitate access and aid in navigation of appropriate school and District resources available to students and their families   Work with registrar, school counselor, nurse and admin to connect and support families. Initiate and maintain verbal and written communication as appropriate with families, particularly our culturally and linguistically diverse families and traditionally marginalized groups.  Support school in planning Family Partnership Events Serve as a bridge between staff and parents for parents who are transitioning to the district Supports families in teaching how to communicate with school staff for their children's needs at school and in the community Work with school administration and staff (especially the registrar) to support families with school communications such as but not limited to Registration process Family Access Interpreters and language line School activities such as clubs and sports Communications around absences and attendance issues Communication with staff (teachers and administrators) Resources available to families and students (tutoring, meal programs, school supplies) Work with ISF VOICE mentors in matching and supporting parents and students Support family outreach events such as curriculum night, literacy family nights Send information via Blackboard, robo calls in Mandarin and Spanish (Supported by Francisca Campos – FPL at Issaquah Feeder pattern)

25 The Issaquah School District supports students' success by supporting families.
Website for more information School Year Events for Family Partnership September 18 and 19– Family Access Help (two sessions) 6:30 to 8:30 pm September 18 - Maywood Middle School September 19th – Issaquah Valley Elementary October 3th - (6:30 to 8:30 pm IVE) What Every Parent Wants to know about the ISD November 7th - (6:30 to 8:30 pm IVE) Communicating with teachers (for parents of Elementary school children) Topics will include - Parent-teacher conferences, contacting schools, norms, expectations for parent-teacher communications December 5th – (6:30 to 8:30 pm IVE) “What Every Parent Wants to Know of the ISD – Part 2” Topics will include - Special Services information including 504 and IEPs, role of school counselors, curriculum information and adoption process, district committees (list of committees – opportunities to participate) The ISD provides several opportunities to help our families better understand schools, communicate with staff and access student information. Please share this information with families as you find out that they are new to the ISD/country and could benefit from these events. Interpreters are available at these events.

26 Creekside Parent-Teacher-Student Association (“PTSA”)
2nd Grade Enrichment Programs Science Toy Man Workshop Science To Go Lessons Para-Professionals Monthly Art Lessons by PTSA Art Docents Chess Club Science Assembly Destination Imagination Program Classroom Stipends Reflections Art Competition Kindness Programs / Assembly Family Fun Night and Community Events Family STEM Night Popcorn Fridays and Bank Days New Books for Classrooms Spirit Wear and Yearbooks Creekside PTSA is our Parent-Teacher-Student Association. It is an important support for our school, and provides these enrichment programs for the students. It is a non-profit organization and anyone can become a member. The big fundraiser, HAWK-A-THON, will kick off next week, and more information will go home. Make sure you are getting their news and updates. PTSA Membership Appreciation Giveaway Join Creekside PTSA now and you will have the opportunity to win your choice of OtterWear. Last drawing will take place tomorrow, Sept. 14th All paid members will be entered into the giveaway drawing. Creekside HAWK-A-THON Fundraiser September 19th – 27th Our Own and Only Major Fundraiser This Year These Programs are Made Possible Through The Generous Donations of Our Creekside Community To Make Sure You Have the Most Up-To-Date Information:

27 Join the PTSA! Our PTSA does many amazing things that enhance your child’s experience at Creekside: The PTSA Hawk-A-Thon raises a LOT of money for various programs at Creekside – please continue to support this Kate Poaster Labs Art Docent Program Educational support in reading Cultural & Science Fairs Movie Nights & End of the Year BBQ

28 Thanks for Coming! Last word from our Superintendent

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