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Why does testing matter to me?

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Presentation on theme: "Why does testing matter to me?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why does testing matter to me?
Testing says something about who I am as a person. Testing decides my classes next year.

2 Who are you? Advanced  Superior performance.
Proficient  Solid performance. Basic  Limited performance. Below Basic  Lacking performance. Far Below Basic  Seriously lacking performance.

3 Represent!

4 What is API? “Academic Performance Index”
A way to measure the quality of a school.

5 What is API? Your test scores + API = Your attendance on test days

6 Last year, our score increased by 27 points to a score of 460!!!!
How much can we increase this year? Last year, our score increased by 27 points to a score of 460!!!! This happened because our students worked hard!

7 This year’s goal is an API of 500!
We are… 500

8 How to help our API? Make a commitment to…
Increase your level by one in math and English. For example, go from Basic to Proficient. Attend everyday of testing and try your best

9 Represent!

10 API celebration Friday Sept. 27th
Music on the quad  Ice cream sandwiches Extended lunch 11:45 a.m.

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