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Cornell Notes Elements of Gravity

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1 Cornell Notes 2-2-2-2 Elements of Gravity
November 13, 2017 Page 59

2 Gravity and Kinetic Energy Course, 2.2: How Heavy?
Focus question What causes gravity to be different on different celestial bodies? Step 2

3 The more massive the object, the ________ the force of gravity.
Gravity and Kinetic Energy Course, 2.2: How Heavy? Analyze data The more massive the object, the ________ the force of gravity. Step 8

4 How Do You Figure Out Weights for Other Planets?
Your weight on other celestial bodies is equal to the weight on Earth times the gravity of the other planets. Example: Weight on Mars = Weight on Earth * Gravity on Mars Since there is 9.8 N of Earth weight for each kg of mass, you can get planet weight from mass by multiplying the formula above with 9.8 Example: Weight on Mars = Mass * Gravity on Mars * 9.8

5 Fill in this Table Celestial Body Mass Gravity Planetary Radius Mars

6 Review other planetary data
Gravity and Kinetic Energy Course, 2.2: How Heavy? Review other planetary data This means that the farther you are from the center of an object, in this case the larger the planet’s diameter, the weaker its gravitational force will be. Step 14

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