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Are Viruses Alive?.

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Presentation on theme: "Are Viruses Alive?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are Viruses Alive?

2 Viruses… Their Basic Structure
Have a protein capsid (“head” region) DNA inside the capsid Some have a tail region and tail fibers

3 What do viruses look like?
Have a protein capsid containing DNA Tail fibers allow virus to “land” on a host cell Injects DNA into host cell

4 Viral Dormancy Only activate their DNA once they have infected a host cell Can exist without a host for hours, days or longer! “Hijacks” and uses the host cell’s organelles to make new viral copies

5 Let’s Compare CELLS VIRUSES Prokaryotic or eukaryotic
Outer cell membrane Can divide & reproduce independently Requires energy to survive Produces wastes Responds to stimuli Have no organelles No outer membrane Needs a host cell to make new viral copies No energy requirement Produces no wastes No response system

6 So… are there ANY similarities??
Both use DNA to make new copies This DNA can mutate Tiny (microscopic)

7 What happens once a virus enters a host cell?
Let’s watch how phages attack bacterial cells…

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