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Wildlife Population Analysis
Lecture 06 – Multinomials and CMR Models for closed populations
Multinomials Lecture 06 – Part I
Multinomial Distribution and Likelihoods
Extension of the binomial coefficient with more than two possible mutually exclusive outcomes. Nearly always introduced by way of die tossing.
Binomial Coefficient The binomial coefficient was the number of ways y successes could be obtained from the n trials Example 7 successes in 10 trials
Multinomial coefficient
The multinomial coefficient or the number of possible outcomes for die tossing (6 possibilities): Example rolling each die face once in 6 trials:
Properties of multinomials
Dependency among the counts. For example, if a die is thrown and it is not a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, then it must be a 6. Face Number Variable 1 10 y1 2 11 y2 3 13 y3 4 9 y4 5 8 y5 6 y6 TOTAL 60 n
Multinomial pdf Probability an outcome or series of outcomes:
Die example 1 The probability of rolling a fair die (pi = 1/6) six times (n) and turning up each face only once (ni = 1) is:
Die example 1 Dependency
Example 2 Another example, the probability of rolling 2 – 2s , 3 – 3s, and 1 – 4 is:
Likelihood As you might have expected, the likelihood of the multinomial is of greater interest to us We frequently have data (n, yi...m) and are seeking to determine the model (pi…m). The likelihood for our example with the die is:
Log-likelihood This likelihood has all of the same properties we discussed for the binomial case. Usually solve to maximize the ln(L)
Log-likelihood Ignoring the multinomial coefficient (constant)
Capture histories & multinomials
Procedure in CMR studies Capture a sample of animals, Mark them so that they are uniquely identifiable, Release them, and Record Recoveries of dead animals Recaptures and re-observations (re-sightings) of live animals.
Data Tag No. Date 211 2/1/1991 3/2/1993 212 2/6/1991 213 3/1/1993 214
These data usually recorded in the form of a “vertical file” that may include ancillary information (i.e., covariates). Tag No. Date 211 2/1/1991 3/2/1993 212 2/6/1991 213 3/1/1993 214 3/1/1991 2/10/1993
Capture histories Occasion Tag No. 1 2 3 211 212 213 214 215 216 217
Typically converted to the form of a capture-history matrix Each row represents an individual Each column represents a sampling occasion. On each occasion each individual ‘1’ if encountered (captured) ‘0’ if not encountered. Ultimately for the closed population estimators discussed in this section these are converted to ‘LLLL’ data. Occasion Tag No. 1 2 3 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218
Capture history - example
For individuals in a population marked and then on 3 occasions there are 8 (=2m = 23) possible capture histories Data example: 1 - captured at 1, not seen again 2 - captured at 1, recaptured on 3 2 - captured at 1, seen on occasion 2 1 - captured at 1, recaptured on 2 & 3 1 – captured at 2 not recaptured 0 – captured at 2, recaptured at 3 3 - captured at 3 Rest of population – not captured yi Capture History 1 2 3
Usefulness Depending upon the study design and the assumptions can be used to estimate: Population size, Survival, Re-sighting rate Other demographic rates yi Capture History 1 2 3
Capture histories and multinomials
Example of the roll of the die. The likelihood for such a data set could be constructed as: Face Number (yi) 1 10 2 11 3 13 4 9 5 8 6 TOTAL 60
Capture histories and multinomials
Each capture history is a possible outcome, Analogous to one face of the die (ni). Data consist of the number of times each capture history appears (yi). Each encounter history has an associated probability (pi) Each pi may have an underlying sub-model yi Capture History 1 2 3
Probabilities and capture histories
An example: Capture history [1 0 1] could be interpreted as: Pr{Given capture and live release at time 1, not recaptured on occasion 2, recaptured on occasion 3} - Or - Pr{R1|(p1)(1-p2)(p3)}, NOTE: pi here is the probability of capture on occasion i
Likelihood of capture histories
Define the model (probabilities) for each capture history Construct the likelihood for our data of m capture histories of the form:
Dependency in the multinomial
Important because it allows us to infer the probability of the last capture history (i.e, the probability of never captured).
Derived from the dependency
How many individuals were never recaptured? How many were never captured? Probability of never captured
Closed Population CMR Models
Lecture 6 – part II
Resources Reading Chapter 14 in Williams, B.K., J.D. Nichols, and M.J. Conroy Analysis and Management of Animal Populations. Academic Press. San Diego, California. or Paul Lukacs. Chapter 15: Closed population capture-recapture models in Cooch, E., and White (eds.), Program MARK: A gentle introduction September 2007. Need to understand closed models before we move on to Robust Design which combined open and closed models
Resources Other resources
Otis, D. L., K. P. Burnham, G. C. White, and D. R. Anderson Statistical inference from capture data on closed animal populations. Wildlife Monograph pp. Pollock, K. H., J. D. Nichols, C. Brownie, and J. E. Hines Statistical inference for capture-recapture experiments. Wildlife Monographs pp. White, G. C., D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham, and D. L. Otis Capture-recapture and removal methods for sampling closed populations. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Rep. LA-8787-NERP. 235pp. – Chapter 1, Chapter 8
What’s a closed population?
Mortality (1 - S ) Natality Fertility (F Emigration Immigration
Lincoln-Peterson Estimator
Forms the basis for virtually all CMR methods. Requires > two sampling occasions. Sample of animals (M) captured, marked, and released from the population of interest (N). 2nd sample of individuals captured (C) and the number of marked individuals in C are counted (R). If the second sample was random, the proportion of marked individuals in the second sample reflects the proportion marked in the entire population.
Fundamentals Lincoln-Petersen estimator for N is:
tends to be biased and overestimates population size, especially with small samples.
Key assumptions: Population is closed Marks are not missed or lost.
Demographically – no births or deaths Geographically – no movement in or out Marks are not missed or lost. Capture probabilities are equal among individuals.
Violations of assumptions
Closure Trapping mortality positively biases the estimate of N Emigration also creates positive bias Immigration creates negative bias Capture probability Can differ between occasions Should be equal among individuals No differences due to age, sex, size, behavior, etc. Trap happy – negative bias Trap shy – positive bias Tags lost or missed – positively biases estimate of N
Lincoln-Peterson Estimator
Probability distribution N population size m2 number marked animals caught in second period (R) n1 number caught and marked in first period (M) p1 probability of capture in first period n2 number caught in second period (C) p2 probability of capture during second period
K-sample Capture-Recapture Models
More than two sampling occasions Assumptions Closure – demographic and geographic Tags are not lost or missed Capture probabilities are appropriately modeled (i.e., model is correct)
Data structure Capture histories
/* Closed capture data, number of encounter occasions = 7, groups = 2 */ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Modeling approach Like Lincoln-Peterson models these data follow a multinomial distribution: ni – number of observations (encounters) pi – probability of each capture history N – population size
N, pcij, pcji (i = 1…K) (j = 1…N)
Models Eight models possible in K-Sample Recapture Models. Only the first 3 models (M0, Mt, and Mb) and Mtb are MLE For the other 5 models, alternative assumptions and constraints are required. Models Mh, Mbh, and Mth, estimated under assumption that capture probabilities are random samples of N distribution of probabilities Model Name Sources of capture probability variation Estimated parameters M0 Constant capture probability. N,p Mt Temporal variation N, pi (i = 1…K) Mb Behavioral response (trap-happy or trap shy) N, pc, pr Mh Individual heterogeneity N, pi (i = 1…N) Mtb Temporal and behavioral N, pci, pri (i = 1…K) Mbh Behavioral response and individual heterogeneity N, pci, pri (i = 1…N) Mth Temporal variation and individual heterogeneity N, pij (i = 1…K) (j = 1…N) Mtbh Temporal variation, behavioral response and individual heterogeneity N, pcij, pcji (i = 1…K) (j = 1…N)
Table 14.1 from Williams et al. 2002
Capture history Probability models (pi) M0 Mt Mb 111 p3 p1 p2 p3 pc pr2 110 p2(1-p) p1 p2(1-p3) pc pr(1-pr) 101 p1(1-p2)p3 100 p(1-p)2 p1(1-p2 )(1-p3) pc (1-pr)2 011 (1-p1)p2 p3 (1-pc)pc pr 010 (1-p1)p2(1-p3) (1-pc)pc(1-pr) 001 (1-p1)(1-p2)p3 (1-pc)2 pc 000 (1-p)3 (1-p1)(1-p2)(1-p3) (1-pc)3 pi represent encounter probability on occasion i
Constant capture probability – M0
All capture probabilities are equal Probability distribution: xw – number capture history w observed n. – number of captures MK+1 – number of unmarked animals captured K – number of occasions
Temporal variation in capture probability – Mt
Extension of the Lincoln-Peterson index Additional sampling occasions. Number of estimated parameters (N, p1…pK) K+1 - one more than the number of sampling occasions. The probability distribution of this model is: When K = 2 this is the Lincoln-Peterson estimator.
Behavioral trap response – Model Mb
Describes a change in capture probability after the first encounter with an animal. Notation - probability of capture unmarked individuals - pc marked animals - pr Behavioral response positive (trap-happy) negative (trap-shy). Model estimates only three parameters N, pc, pr.
Behavioral trap response – Model Mb
The probability function for this model is: mj - marked animals caught on occasion j Mj - total marked animals in the population at j MK+1 - total number of animals marked
Behavioral trap response – Model Mb
The probability function for this model is: pc – probability of initial capture MK+1 – total number of animals marked in the study
Behavioral trap response – Model Mb
The probability function for this model is: (1-pc) – probability of not captured KN - MK+1 - M. – estimated number not captured
Behavioral trap response – Model Mb
The probability function for this model is: pr – probability of recapture m. – total number of recaptures (1-pr) – probability of not recaptured M.-m. – number marked, not recaptured
Heterogeneity among individuals – Model Mh
Truly different conceptually Capture probabilities do not vary temporally Do not vary based on behavior each individual is assumed to have a unique capture probability Conceptually random sample of capture probabilities (p1…pN) underlying distribution F(p). Given a cell probability, j, - average probability that an individual is captured j times:
Heterogeneity among individuals – Model Mh
The model is described based on fj, the number of animals caught on j occasions: Not MLE not possible to use AIC or LRTs for model selection.
Heterogeneity among individuals – Model Mh
Nonparametric MLEs for this model have been proposed by Norris and Pollock (1995, 1996). Estimate the number of pi Pledger’s (2000) finite mixture models are MLEs based on a fixed (small) number of groups with unique capture probabilities. MLE models proposed by Huggins (1989, 1991) and Alho (1990) estimate capture probabilities using the familiar logit functions of individual covariates:
Heterogeneity among individuals – Model Mh
Do not include N in the likelihood Huggins Estimates of abundance are based on the Horvitz and Thompson (1952) estimator: Probability of capture across all occasions Sum of the inverse of the probability of capture across all occasions and all individuals
Closure All models assume no change in N during the study.
Two general approaches have been proposed for testing The null hypothesis test in program CAPTURE (Otis et al ) compares the pij (probability of capture for individual i at time j) for all individuals captured more than twice. alternative hypothesis suggests that prior to first and subsequent to last capture some individuals had pij = 0, suggesting that they were recruited to the population sometime after the first or before the last capture period.
Model selection Balance the precision of estimates in parsimonious models Bias of more general (informative) models. Seeking to select the simplest model that fits our data.
What no AIC? 4 of 8 models are not based on likelihood
(but see Pledger 2000 and Huggins 1991). Otis et al. (1978) and Rexstad and Burnham (1991) Approach based on goodness of fit and between-model tests.
Discriminant Analysis
CAPTURE uses discriminant function analysis to compare models based on test statistics and probabilities. Stanley and Burnham (1998) improved approach incorporates linear and multinomial discriminant functions. model averaging. Mixture models of Pledger (2000) MLEs emulating all 8 of the closed-populations models Allows use of AIC for model selection and model averaging Huggins models MLEs that allow heterogeneity based on covariates allows use of AIC for model selection and model averaging
Between model tests Where MLEs can be computed - likelihood ratio tests compare nested models (e.g., Mb and Mtb). conditional on the more general (i.e., parameterized) model fitting the data ask whether the less general model adequately represents the data. CAPTURE compares: M0 versus Mb and Mt Mh and Mh versus Mbh.
Goodness of fit Just like open models:
Use multinomial distributions to calculate expected values Compare to observed values Similar to bootstrap GOF and RELEASE GOF Program CAPTURE, which will run under MARK (or alone) Computes GOF for 4 of the models Mb, Mt, Mh, and Mtb.
Minimizing violations of assumptions
Closure Keep it short - maintain closure and minimize gains and losses. Timing is everything – e.g., avoid periods of seasonal movements or dispersal Trap mortality bias estimates of N If substantial, use removal models (behavioral response) Tag loss Some models can use individuals “known to be marked” Individual marks – methods really don’t work with “batch marks.”
Precision of estimates
High capture probabilities increase precision and reduce bias. Increasing occasions (> 5) increases precision AIC aims to maximize precision and minimize bias
Precision of estimates
Behavioral response – problematic to “closure” (GOF) and precision Pre-baiting – can minimize effects Minimize trapping deaths – extreme behavioral response Minimize handling time to reduce trap shyness Heterogeneity – problematic to fit and precision Stratify areas Covariates – use Huggins model Distribution of trapping effort Trap density v. home range Spatial arrangement
Lab this week Multinomials Models for closed populations
Closed models in MARK Huggins’ model Pledger’s mixture models
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