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Harry Potter: Meaning, Myth, and Media Fan Fiction Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Harry Potter: Meaning, Myth, and Media Fan Fiction Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Harry Potter: Meaning, Myth, and Media Fan Fiction Presentation
Meanix November 2009

2 Important Stuff DUE: Tuesday, December 1st
LENGTH: At least three pages GRADED: In all five writing domains 50 Points

3 Elements of Narrative Characters Dialogue Description
Plot: Exposition, Conflict, Complication, Climax, Resolution

4 Remember! This assignment must tie in to the Harry Potter world in some way…. It does not have to revolve around JK Rowling’s characters, but you must reference something from that world

5 Brainstorm #1 The Dursleys are nice to Harry… Aunt Petunia considers him another son… The Cupboard Under the Stairs never existed…

6 Brainstorm #2 Harry’s parents had another child that they hid away by using the imperius curse on muggles.

7 Brainstorm #3 Sybill Trelawney’s prediction concerned Neville Longbottom, and not Harry Potter– Voldemort was wrong.

8 Brainstorm #4 Tom Riddle, Sr., fetched the baby Tom Riddle from the orphanage and raised him.

9 Brainstorm #5 Lily and James meet with Sirius after he passes through the veil– what do they say to each other?

10 Make sure you…. PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD!!!!!!
Add a title– not “Harry Potter Fan Fiction” Use the MLA Heading and Format ENJOY YOURSELF!

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