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The French Revolution and Napoleon,

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1 The French Revolution and Napoleon,

2 Old Regime 1770’s System of feudalism left over from the Middle Ages
France still divided into 3 large social classes called estates First & Second Estates had privileges Access to high offices Exemptions from paying taxes

3 First Estate Roman Catholic Church Owned 10% of land
Provided education & relief services to the poor Gave 2% of income to government Didn’t like Enlightenment ideas

4 Second Estate Nobles Owned 20% of land

5 Third Estate 98% of the population Divided into 3 groups
1) Bourgeoisie 2) Workers 3) Peasants

6 Third Estate: Bourgeoisie
Merchants & artisans Well-educated Supported Enlightenment ideas Paid high taxes

7 Third Estate: Workers Cooks, servants, & others Low wages Out of work

8 Third Estate: Peasants
Largest of the third estate 80% population Paid half their income to nobles’ dues, tithes to church, & taxes to the king

9 Economic Problems Growing population Growing trade & production
Heavy taxes for third estate High cost of living 1780’s crop failures Shortage of grain starvation

10 Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

11 Louis XVI Inherited the throne in 1774 & the debt from his predecessors Borrowed money to help the Americans fight against Great Britain (France & Great Britain were big rivals at this time period) Indecisive & paid little attention to government Married Marie Antoinette (Austrian princess) She spent lots of money on gowns, jewels, & gifts Louis waited until France was bankrupt before trying to fix the economy Tried to call for taxes from the second estate which led to a meeting to get approval for the tax reform

12 Marie Antoinette Music Video

13 Estates General Assembly of representatives from all 3 estates
Each estate gets one vote At the meeting……. National Assembly 3 days later……. Third estate was locked out of their meeting room Tennis Court Oath

14 Storming of the Bastille
July 14, 1789 = people stormed the Bastille to get weapons to defend Paris from the king’s foreign troops This is now a national holiday in France known as Bastille Day.

15 A Great Fear Sweeps France
Peasants rioted everywhere Marched into Versailles & seized the king, queen, and family Marched them back to Paris

16 Legislative Assembly 1791, Limited Monarchy
Fear of the French “Plague”

17 Revolution Brings Reform & Terror
Nobles were afraid Joined the National Assembly to end the Old Regime Declaration of the Rights of Man influenced by the Enlightenment & the Declaration of Independence Guaranteed citizens equal justice, freedom of speech, & freedom of religion These rights were for men only

18 National Convention 1792 New governing body
Mobs had more power than any government Made up of the poor with leaders from the Bourgeoisie Jacobins radical group that wanted to remove the king & establish a republic Sept. 21, 1792 = National Convention abolished the monarchy & declared France a republic Adult male citizens could vote & hold office Jan. 21, 1793 = Louis XVI was beheaded by the guillotine after being found guilty for treason




22 Maximilien Robespierre
Started & headed the Committee of Public Safety Ruled more like a dictator during July 1793-July 1794

23 Reign of Terror Time period when Robespierre ruled France
40,000 people were executed in France 85% were peasants Came to an end when Robespierre was beheaded in July 1794

24 Directory 1795 The National Convention drafted a new plan of government known as the Directory The Directory placed Napoleon Bonaparte as the general of the French army

25 Napoleon Bonaparte Crowns himself Emperor Social & Economic Reforms
Napoleonic Code

26 Napoleonic Wars & Defeat

27 French Revolution Music Video

28 Crash Course French Revolution

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