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Research Ethics at RRU Colleen Hoppins And Gina Armellino

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1 Research Ethics at RRU Colleen Hoppins And Gina Armellino
Research Ethics Coordinator And Gina Armellino Research Ethics Reviewer More information at

2 Research Ethics Before any research with human subjects begins, all researchers affiliated with RRU, whether student, faculty, or staff, must complete a request for ethical review and receive approval. The good news is that this process moves expeditiously and we are happy to assist you. Please see Royal Roads University Research Ethics Policy

3 Research Ethics Most of the research at Royal Roads University, whether it is done by a faculty member or a learner (either for a major research paper or for a course assignment) involves an ethical review by the Royal Roads University Research Ethics Board. This is because much of our research involves human subjects (e.g., interviewing people, holding focus groups, conducting on-line surveys, conducting telephone interviews, and so forth).

4 Research Involving Animals
All research involving the use of animals must be conducted in accordance with the Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals (Canadian Council on Animal Care [CCAC]). At present, research involving animals cannot be carried out under the auspices of Royal Roads University unless your research is sponsored by, or done in partnership with, an organization or institution that holds a Certificate of Good Animal Practice (GAP) from the CCAC. For those of you contemplating research in any way involving animals (even observational) your research will require a second ethical review from one of the institutions certified by the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC).

5 Plagiarism Please see RRU Policy on Integrity and Misconduct in Research and Scholarship There are many good tools out there on the web, including an "Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism: A Self-Directed Tutorial“ ( ) - which is a helpful resource. There are also many others, for example, and to cite just a few.

6 Process Why should a student have an ethical review in place for research involving humans? It will protect a learner from being liable for being accused of using someone else’s information without their permission. The consent form is only used for projects that require primary research. All Canadian Universities have this process in place to comply with the Canadian Tri-Council policy. Tri-Council Tutorial is located at

7 Research Ethics Before you begin your ethical review (the roof), you will want to ensure you have a good, strong foundation (the proposal) to your “house”.

8 RRU Ethical Review Process
4 1 2 3 Academic supervisor/advisor Researcher RRU Research Ethics Staff RRU Research Ethics Board Member Researcher sends ethical review materials to Academic supervisor/advisor via . Academic supervisor/advisor reviews, gives feedback to researcher, once both are happy then academic supervisor sends ethical review materials to RRU Office of Research Ethics staff RRU Office of Research Ethics does pre-screen before sending on to the RRU Research Ethics Board member for final clearance. RRU REB member does final review and provides feedback to researcher, ccing academic supervisor/advisor as well as RRU Office of Research Ethics. Please allow four weeks for RRU ethics clearance.

9 Research Ethics If you would like assistance with the RRU ethical review process, or would like to discuss, please do feel free to contact us through or by phone , local We are happy to be of help.

10 Other Resource People at RRU
Writing – Theresa Bell   Reference Librarians – Copyright – Melanie Wrobel and Natalia Morrison ( ) and Privacy (FOI/POP) – Bev Hooper ) and Elder in Residence – Asma Antoine and Research Ethics – Colleen Hoppins and Gina Armellino or

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