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The Challenges of Urbanization

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1 The Challenges of Urbanization
Whittier Union High School District, edited by Spinrad

2 Immigrants settle in cities
Most immigrants to the U.S. in the late 19th c. lived in cities, esp. NYC Cheap and convenient Unskilled laborers found steady employment (mills & factories) Ethnic communities were there 1890 – 2x Irish lived in NYC than in Dublin, Ireland,1910 – immigrants more than ½ of the total pop in 18 major U.S. cities

3 Americanization movement
Designed to assimilate people of many different cultures – to make them cultural Americans Social campaigned sponsored by the government & concerned citizens Schools and communities services provided English literacy and American History and government Is this what is done today?

4 Crime/Fire Crime was high (pick pocket & thieves)
First salaried police force in NYC – 1844 Other cities-police force was too small Fire Limited water supply Fires spread rapidly (Chicago and S.F.) Use of candles and kerosene Cincinnati, Ohio had the first paid fire dept.

5 Child Labor 19th-century industrialization
Families depended on children’s income Opposed by progressives

6 Water Cities had a hard time supplying safe drinking water
City population grew too fast Homes seldom had indoor plumbing-collected water in pails from street faucets Needed to improve both drinking water and sewage treatment to control disease epidemics (i.e. cholera and typhoid fever)

7 Sanitation Providing hygienic living conditions to millions in a small area was a challenge Horse manure and dead animals on the streets Sewage flowed through open gutters Factories led to pollution/smoke in the air People dumped their garbage on the streets

8 Housing Row housing single-family dwellings shared walls with other houses (built in a row). Row housing provided single-family homes for working class families Tenements – 3 -4 families occupying old one family house. Dumbbell style. One shared bathroom, little ventilation Immigrants took over homes of working-class families that left the city center for better housing.

9 Reformers tried to improve life
Social Gospel movement & Second Great Awakening pre-Civil War Settlement houses (community centers in urban slums – provided social services) Jane Addams established Hull House in Chicago

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