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“File Under Chapter Eleven!”

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1 “File Under Chapter Eleven!”
Hebrews 12:1-13

2 Present business laws has an action that is called “Chapter Eleven”…

3 In Santa Fe, New Mexico, a man phoned a local newspaper… The man requested that his engagement notice be withdrawn and not printed. He was told…

4 Coventry, England – a man called the Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Coventry, England – a man called the Citizen’s Advice Bureau. He was calling to locate his wife…


6 Purpose: to better understand how the grace of God deserves a life of commitment in response

7 “…of whom the world was not even worthy.”
Hebrews 11:38 “…of whom the world was not even worthy.”

8 I Lift Up Our FEET (v1) 8

9 Conductor, Hans Richter
“I’m sorry to trouble you, but I can’t always keep time with your tapping.” Conductor, Hans Richter

10 I Lift Up Our FEET (v1) A. Lay Aside the Weights

11 Bill Bowerman (coach and co-founder of Nike, Inc.)
In 1960, University of Oregon track coach, Bill Bowerman developed shoes that weighed 4 oz as compared to the previous best of 6 oz shoes… Bill Bowerman (coach and co-founder of Nike, Inc.)

12 “That car meant everything to me!”

13 I Lift Up Our FEET (v1) A. Lay Aside the Weights B. Run With Endurance

14 Remember, our race is NOT a sprint…; instead, it is a marathon….

15 Two frogs fell into a can of cream, Or so I’ve heard it told; The sides of the can were shiny and steep The cream was deep and cold, “O, what’s the use?” croaked No “Tis fate; no help’s around Goodbye, my friends! Goodbye, sad world!” And weeping still, he drowned But No. 2, of sterner stuff, Dog-paddled in surprise The while he wiped his creamy face, And dried his creamy eyes “I’ll swim awhile, at least,” he said Or so I’ve heard he said; “It really won’t help the world

16 If one more frog were dead
If one more frog were dead.” An hour or two he kicked and swam, Not once he stopped to mutter, But kicked and kicked and swam and kicked Then hopped out via butter!

17 I Lift Up Our FEET (v1) A. Lay Aside the Weights B. Run With Endurance
C. Run the Right Direction 17

18 The summer of 1989 had to find the septic system in order to fix matters…

19 II Lift Up Our EYES (vv 2-11)
A. To the “Cloud of Witnesses” 19

20 The great “cloud of witnesses” is a direct reference to the “roll call” of the faithful (Hebrews 11) and those whom we have been personally familiar and know…

21 II Lift Up Our EYES (vv 2-11)
A. To the “Cloud of Witnesses” B. To the Author/Perfecter of Faith 21

22 Looking unto Jesus… will keep us from being faint of heart and mind…

23 III Life Up Our HANDS (vv 12-13)
A. Strengthen the Limbs That Are Weak 23

24 Verse 13 speaks of resetting a joint or limb… i. e
Verse 13 speaks of resetting a joint or limb… i.e. making the limb useful again…

25 III Life Up Our HANDS (vv 12-13)
A. Strengthen the Limbs That Are Weak B. Strengthen Each Others’ Hands 25

26 Isaiah 35:3-4 “Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble. Say to those with anxious heart, ‘Take courage, fear not. Behold, your God will come with vengeance…’”

27 Conclusion and Summary
Do the following companies sound familiar and if so why?: Frontier, Delta, Aloha, Northwestern, United, US Airways, Gemini Air Cargo, Max Jet, Fusion Airways… When you and I recognize our lives need reorganization, when all for Jesus is desired – we must file our lives under Chapter Eleven…

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