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Understanding Energy Loss of Heavy Quarks
William Horowitz The Ohio State University June 2, 2009 With many thanks to Brian Cole, Yuri Kovchegov, and Ulrich Heinz 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
Outline Introduction pQCD AdS/CFT pQCD Again Conclusions 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
The Heavy Flavor Data STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) PHENIX, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
Simultaneous Understanding?
Y. Akiba for the PHENIX collaboration, hep-ex/ STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) WHDG C. Vale, QM09 Plenary (analysis by R. Wei) PHENIX, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
RAA vs. v2 Anti-correlation
WH, Acta Phys.Hung.A27: ,2006 p0 Cu+Cu PHENIX, arXiv: 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
pQCD 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
Hard Spectra PHENIX, [hep-ex] A Dion, Quark Matter 2009 pT [GeV/C] 1 9 J Dunlop, QM09 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
pQCD Uncertainty (I) E-loss Mechanisms Initial Spectra S Wicks, et al., NPA784: ,2007 N Armesto, et al., Phys.Lett.B637: ,2006 S Wicks, Ph. D. Thesis 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
pQCD Uncertainty (II) kT int. cutoff (UV) mg/IR kT cutoff B Cole and WH M Djordjevic, B Cole and WH, not-yet-published 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
Initial State Effects Cronin for e-? Coal. + K P.B. Gossiaux, QM09; P.B. Gossiaux, R. Bierkandt, J. Aichelin, arXiv: 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
Out-of-Medium Hadronization Effects
Add’l Channels Coalescence R Rapp and H van Hees, arXiv: H. van Hees, M. Mannarelli, V. Greco, and R. Rapp, Phys.Rev.Lett.100:192301,2008 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
In-Medium Hadronization Effects
Coll. Diss. In-medium Frag. A Adil, I Vitev, Phys.Lett.B649: ,2007 A Adil and I Vitev, Phys.Lett.B649: ,2007 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
AdS/CFT 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
Motivation for High-pT AdS
Why study AdS E-loss models? Many calculations vastly simpler Complicated in unusual ways Data difficult to reconcile with pQCD pQCD quasiparticle picture leads to dominant q ~ m ~ .5 GeV mom. transfers => Nonperturbatively large as Use data to learn about E-loss mechanism, plasma properties Domains of self-consistency crucial for understanding 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
AdS/CFT Energy Loss Models I
Langevin Diffusion Collisional energy loss for heavy quarks Restricted to low pT pQCD vs. AdS/CFT computation of D, the diffusion coefficient ASW/LRW model Radiative energy loss model for all parton species pQCD vs. AdS/CFT computation of Debate over its predicted magnitude Moore and Teaney, Phys.Rev.C71:064904,2005 Casalderrey-Solana and Teaney, Phys.Rev.D74:085012,2006; JHEP 0704:039,2007 BDMPS, Nucl.Phys.B484: ,1997 Armesto, Salgado, and Wiedemann, Phys. Rev. D69 (2004) Liu, Ragagopal, Wiedemann, PRL 97:182301,2006; JHEP 0703:066,2007 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
AdS/CFT Energy Loss Models II
String Drag calculations: Embed string rep. quark/gluon in AdS geom. Includes all E-loss modes (difficult to interpret) Gluons and light quarks Empty space HQ calculation Previous HQ: thermalized QGP plasma, temp. T HQ in Shock: hot and cold nuclear matter Gubser, Gulotta, Pufu, Rocha, JHEP 0810:052, 2008 Chesler, Jensen, Karch, Yaffe, arXiv: [hep-th] Kharzeev, arXiv: [hep-ph] Gubser, Phys.Rev.D74:126005,2006 Herzog, Karch, Kovtun, Kozcaz, Yaffe, JHEP 0607:013, 2006 WH and Y Kovchegov, arXiv: 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
AdS Thermal Drag P Chesler, Quark Matter 2009 AdS/CFT Drag: dpT/dt ~ -(T2/Mq) pT WH, Ph. D. Thesis 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
Shocking Loss HQ Drag in Hot and Cold nuclear matter Embedded String in Shock Q vshock x z Before After Recall for BH: Shock gives exactly the same drag as BH for L = p T 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
Future RHIC Measurements
In-Medium Frag WH, J.Phys.G35:044025,2008 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
Hard to Beat PHENIX, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) S S Gubser, Quark Matter 2009 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
pQCD Again 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
pQCD as Consistent Picture?
v2 Sensitivity to IC A Drees, H Feng, J Jia, Phys.Rev.C71:034909,2005 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
High e and pQCD h/s? T Hirano, et al., Phys.Lett.B636: ,2006 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
pQCD p and e- Consistency?
Coll. fluctuations Dyn. scat. centers M Djordjevic, QM09; M Djordjevic and U Heinz, PRL101:022302,2008 S Wicks, Ph. D. Thesis 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
Conclusions and Outlook
Exciting years ahead! Initial state effects Higher momenta Reduce hadronization effects Individual c and b contributions Disambiguate E-loss mechanisms HQ correlations Disambiguate E redistribution mechanisms Rehabilitation for pQCD? 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
Supplements 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
LHC RcAA(pT)/RbAA(pT) Prediction
Individual c and b RAA(pT) predictions: WH and M. Gyulassy, Phys. Lett. B 666, 320 (2008) WH and M. Gyulassy, Phys. Lett. B 666, 320 (2008) 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
S Wicks, WH, M Djordjevic, and M Gyulassy, Nucl.Phys.A784: ,2007 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
Energy Loss Comparison
D7 Probe Brane t z = 0 x v AdS/CFT Drag: dpT/dt ~ -(T2/Mq) pT Q, m zm = l1/2/2pm 3+1D Brane Boundary D3 Black Brane (horizon) zh = 1/pT Black Hole z = ¥ Similar to Bethe-Heitler dpT/dt ~ -(T3/Mq2) pT Very different from LPM dpT/dt ~ -LT3 log(pT/Mq) 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
New Geometries Constant T Thermal Black Brane Shock Geometries Nucleus as Shock J Friess, et al., PRD75:106003, 2007 DIS Embedded String in Shock Before After Albacete, Kovchegov, Taliotis, JHEP 0807, 074 (2008) Q vshock x z vshock x z Q Bjorken-Expanding Medium 2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
2009 RHIC and AGS Users’ Meeting
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