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anni, arch, cura, fal, hetero

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1 anni, arch, cura, fal, hetero
Greek & Latin 24 anni, arch, cura, fal, hetero

2 anni, annu, enni: (Latin)
year, yearly anniversary yearly recurrence of a date of a past event perennial everlasting; (of plants) having a life-cycle of more than 2 years millennium period of 1,000 years Other words: annual, biannual, bicentennial Millenium Force at Cedar Point was built in 2000.

3 arch: (Greek) chief, first, rule patriarch archenemy architect
male head of a family archenemy chief adversary (enemy) architect chief builder, creator of a building Other words: matriarch, monarchy, oligarchy

4 care, heal, cure cur, cura: (Latin)
curative serving to cure or heal procure to obtain by careful effort curator a person in charge of, who takes care of, a museum Other words: accurate, manicure, secure

5 deceive fal, fals: (Latin) infallible fallacious
unable to be deceived, unable to fail falsify to make false or incorrect, especially in order to deceive fallacious logically unsound; containing a fallacy Other words: falter, falsetto Pope Benedict XVI Falsetto – a method used by male singers to sing at a very high pitch in an artificially or unusually high voice by using more air and a combination of vocal cord vibrations and head resonance

6 different hetero: (Greek) heterodox heterogeneous heterosexual
not in accordance with established or accepted doctrines or opinions heterogeneous having widely dissimilar interests or characteristics heterosexual interested in the opposite sex Other words: heteromorphic

7 Summary anni, annu, enni arch cur, cura fal, fals hetero year, yearly
chief, first, rule cur, cura care fal, fals deceive hetero different Sources: Google images

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