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GFDL-NCAR/CCSM collaborations

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Presentation on theme: "GFDL-NCAR/CCSM collaborations"— Presentation transcript:

1 GFDL-NCAR/CCSM collaborations
ongoing: Oceanic: 2 Climate Process Teams Atmospheric: Joint discussion group to be re-established – meeting in May at GFDL Both models contributing ~1/2 degree time-slice simulations to NARCCAP

2 200 km 50 km Annual mean precipitation: N. America and Europe

3 Other possible collaborations:
Finite volume dynamical core: Cubed sphere version with non-hydrostatic option now in final stages of development, scalability studies underway – -- 200,100, and 50 km versions for coupling -- 20 km focused on tropical cyclone climatology, variability, sensitivity,

4 Are bilateral discussions/intercomparison
useful in other areas? Aerosol modeling? Land surface vegetation feedbacks? Other Earth System Model components?

5 model observations Hurricane count year Downscaling model
18km horizontal resolution over domain shown; no convective parameterization Knutson, Garner, Sirutis, Held, Tuleya submitted to Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society model observations Hurricane count year

6 10 m wind speed OLR

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