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The Seven Deadly Sins of Change Leadership

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Presentation on theme: "The Seven Deadly Sins of Change Leadership"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Seven Deadly Sins of Change Leadership
How you can totally stuff up any change, alienate your staff and create chaos in an otherwise stable and organised business.

2 Ignore the Fact That Change MUST Be Led

3 Don’t Tell Anyone WHY You are Changing
Don’t Tell Anyone WHY You are Changing. Just tell them WHAT is happening.

4 Don’t Build Alliances, Instead Burn Bridges

5 Charge Ahead With NO Understanding of HOW Change Impacts People

6 Don’t Use Fair Process, Instead Just Demand Everyone Does it Your Way.

7 Don’t Help People Understand The Change, Instead Bulldoze over Them (They were just a bunch of negative Nancy’s holding You Back Anyway)

8 Storytelling is For the Kid’s bedtime Not The Business.

9 Conclusion and Random Question Time

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