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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARY HONORS ENGLISH III."— Presentation transcript:


2 LIST 1 ABASH—to embarrass ABATE—to subside or decrease
ABOMINABLE— terrible; horrible ABRIDGE—to shorten or to condense ABSTAIN—to refrain from doing ABUT--joined or located next to something else ACCENTUATE—to emphasize or underscore ACCOST—to attack ACQUIESCE—to agree or consent or surrender ACQUISITION—object or property obtained by someone

3 List 2 ADAMANT—insistent or unyielding in view or opinion
AFFINITY—skill or interest AFFLUENT—wealthy ALLEGORY—story with many symbols ALLEVIATE—to give relief; to ease ALTERCATION— argument AMBIGUOUS—unclear AMBIVALENT—neutral or divided in view or opinion ANAGRAM—word or phrase formed from letters of another word or phrase ANECDOTE—short, humorous story

4 List 3 ANTAGONIZE—to aggravate or annoy
APPRAISAL—an assessment of the value or worth of an object APPRISE—to inform ARABLE—land that will produce crops ARBITRARY— controlled by impulse rather than by reason ARCHIVES—place where documents are stored ARDUOUS—difficult; requiring effort ARRAY—pattern or display ASKEW—to be crooked or out of alignment ASSAIL—to attack

5 List 4 ASSAY—to assess or determine value
ASSERTION—claim or declaration ATTRITION—fading or wearing out over time AUDACIOUS—bold; outrageous AUGMENT—to supplement or add to something else AUSPICIOUS— notable; favorable; significant AUSTERE—plain or severe AUTOCRAT— dictator BALEFUL—negative; cynical BANDY—to exchange in a nonchalant way

6 List 5 BELEAGUER—to bother or harass BENEFICENT—kind; good-natured
BESTOW—to give or present as a gift or honor BETROTHED— engaged to be married BILATERAL—two- sided BLITHE—happy; carefree BOLSTER—to build up or reinforce BREVITY— conciseness; using few words BROWBEAT—to intimidate or to bully BRUNT—main target

7 List 6 BRUSQUE—rude or abrupt in manner BULWARK—wall
BUMPTIOUS— arrogant; rude BUREAUCRACY— organized system CAMARADERIE—bond of fellowship CARNAGE—slaughter CATHARSIS—purging of emotions CEDE—surrender or relinquish a claim CHAGRIN— embarrassment CIRCUMSPECT— cautious; guarded; wary

8 List 7 CITE—to quote a passage as evidence or to summon to court
CLIMACTIC—most intense or exciting COALITION—alliance between two or more groups COHERENT—well-thought and logical COMELY—beautiful COMPREHENSIVE—all- inclusive; complete CONCERTED—combined or arranged together CONGENITAL—innate or inherited CONJECTURE—theory; guesswork CONNOTATION—implied meaning

9 List 8 CONSENSUS—agreement between or among parties
CONSONANT—in agreement or harmony with something else CONTRABAND—item that has been obtained illegally or against the rules CONTRITION—remorse or regret CONVIVIAL—social; friendly CORRELATE—to relate or be closely connected CREDENCE—belief; acceptance DEBACLE—catastrophe or disaster DEBONAIR—charming; sophisticated DECADENCE—period of decline

10 List 9 DEFERENCE—respect; courteous yielding DEFILE—to ruin or spoil
DEGENERATE—a corrupt person or someone/something in a deteriorated state DEIGN—to act in a manner beneath one’s sense of dignity; to condescend DELUGE—downpour or flood DEMEANOR—outward behavior DEPRECATE—to belittle; to express disapproval DEROGATORY—critical or disparaging DESPICABLE—contemptible; horrible DISSIPATE—to scatter or to waste

11 List 10 DISSOLUTE— immoral; unrestrained
DIVERGE—to split or branch off EFFETE— pretentious EFFICACIOUS— effective; having a desired result ELATION—joy or exultation EMBELLISH—to add to or elaborate EMENDATION— correction ENCROACH—to intrude or invade ENORMITY— vastness; in the extreme ENTHRALL—to fascinate or captivate

12 LIST 11 ENTITY—separate and independent being
ENTOMOLOGY— study of insects ENTOURAGE— people who accompany a wealthy person EPICURE—gourmet EPILOGUE— conclusion of a book EPITHET— description attached to a name EQUESTRIAN— horseback rider ERRONEOUS— incorrect EVASIVE—avoiding or misleading EVOKE—to bring forth or draw out

13 LIST 12 EXACTING— challenging; demanding
EXHAUSTIVE— comprehensive; all- inclusive EXODUS—mass departure from one place EXONERATE—to absolve from blame EXPEDITE—to accelerate or facilitate a process EXPLETIVE—an oath or profane word EXTEMPORANEOUS —impromptu; without preparation FACTION—small group criticizing a large one FACTIOUS— argumentative; conflicting FALLIBLE—capable of making errors

14 LIST 13 FASTIDIOUS—paying great attention to detail
FELICITOUS— appropriate; well- suited FELONY—serious and/or violent crime FEROCITY—quality of being fierce FIDELITY—loyalty or faithfulness FILIAL—behaving as a loyal child FINALITY— conclusiveness; definite ending FIORD—deep, narrow sea inlet between 2 glaciers FLAIL—thrash or swing wildly FLAUNT—to show off

15 LIST 14 FLAY—to skin a carcass; to beat or cheat severely
FORESHADOW— hints or clues about the future FORGO—to refrain or give up FORTE—strength or talent FRUSTRATE—to prevent from achieving a goal FULMINATE—to protest violently FUROR—public outcry FURTIVE— secretive; evasive GARRULOUS— overly talkative GIBE—insult, jeer, or taunt

16 List 15 GIRD—to protect or prepare GOAD—to provoke or annoy
GOURMET—food expert GRADATION—series of steps or degrees GRANDIOSE—more magnificent than necessary GUISE—external form concealing a person’s true nature HAGGARD—tired; fatigued HEINOUS—vile; wicked HOLOCAUST— destruction by fire HYPERCRITICAL— overly judgmental


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