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Services Culturally Specific Independent Living Support Services

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Presentation on theme: "Services Culturally Specific Independent Living Support Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Voice for All: BAME Communities, Multiple Needs and the work of Awaaz

2 Services Culturally Specific Independent Living Support Services
Personal Budgets BME Assertive Outreach MCN BME Opportunity & Change BME Towards Work Referrals

3 Awaaz Opportunity Nottingham service
Make and maintain links with BAME led agencies, cultural and faith groups. Provide a service that can offer appropriate responses to potential Beneficiaries’ cultural, religious, and gender needs. Where appropriate pass individuals on to the Main Delivery Team, facilitating the transfer where necessary. Where onward referral is not possible or appropriate, to provide a flexible and creative Beneficiary centred support service until a safe withdrawal can be facilitated.

4 Evaluation - Key Questions…
Who have Awaaz been working with? What is the level of need? Is this need being met? How does our work compare with national data? How do Awaaz work? What are the additional barriers that BAME people face and how do Awaaz over come them?

5 Three key points: Different BAME groups have very different experiences Little data about multiple needs – much more about single issues: mental health, homelessness, substance misuse offending What are multiple needs? How are they defined?

6 How do BAME people experience Multiple Needs?
The phrase BAME is too generic Asian backgrounds are twice as likely as those who are White British to be subject to ‘stop and search’ and Black individuals are seven times more likely be subject to ‘stop and search’ (MOJ 2016). Black people comprise 3.3% of the population of England overall that make up 11% of non priority need (mainly single people) homeless people. Whilst Asian people comprise 7.5 % of the population of England as a whole and 6% of non priority need homeless people. (HM gov, 2018) Gypsies, Roma and Irish Travellers, comprise approximately 0.1% of the general population they are estimated to comprise 5% of the prison population. (Lammy Report, 2017) “Alcohol-related deaths are higher among Indian men compared with the general population” (Hurcombe, Bayley and Goodman 2010). Substances tends to be lower, different amongst ethnic groups (UK Drug Policy Commission, 2010)

7 National Data Working Age Population Hard Edges Report
Working Age Population Hard Edges Report Fulfilling Lives (Multiple Needs)Programme White: British, Irish, Other 85.6 85 88.5 Asian 8.1 4 1.8 Black: British, African, Caribbean 3.4 6 4.6 Mixed Ethnicity 3 4.4

8 Who have Awaaz worked with as part of their Opportunity Nottingham contract?
Number of Beneficiaries Per cent of Awaaz Beneficiaries Black: British, African, Caribbean 33 42% Asian 26 33% White Other 4 5% Other Ethnicities 2 3% Mixed Ethnicity 14 18%

9 Awaaz Assertive Outreach Beneficiary Needs
Ethnicity Number of Beneficiaries Percentage with Need Homeless Offending Substance Misuse Mental Health Black: British, African, Caribbean 37 63 90 97 100 Asian 29 72 83 93 White British 10 33 White Other 4 50 Gypsy Traveller 2 Other 5 80 Mixed Ethnicity/Dual Heritage 13 69 85 Overall Fulfilling Lives Multiple Needs Data

10 Awaaz Opportunity Nottingham Beneficiaries: Gender
Ethnicity Men Women Black: British, African, Caribbean 28 8 Asian 19 4 White British 2 White Other 3 1 Gypsy Traveller Other Mixed Ethnicity/Dual Heritage 5

11 Redefining Multiple & Complex Needs
The definition of Multiple Needs is Eurocentric Different Approach to MCN (Lankelly Chase (2016) Women and Girls Facing Severe and Multiple Disadvantage) - Defined categories experience of particular disadvantages Risk factors high exposure factors Social inequalities oppressions and inequalities in society Right-based inability to exercise human rights Capabilities limited opportunities for a good life

12 Who do Awaaz work with?

13 Holistic and Strength Based Approach
Letting the individual decide their support Meeting the Beneficiary in a place they feel most comfortable Having conversations rather than support sessions Investing time.

14 AWAAZ “Voice” for ALL BME Communities Shaping Positive Futures
“ We are not hard to Reach, just easy to ignore!”

15 Delivering Culturally Specific Services
Assessments Language Barrier Trust/Fear Culture/Religion – Not having to explain this Stigma/Discrimination/Denial/Taweez/Black Magic Turning to faith groups/Coping Strategy Shunned by the Community

16 Thank You

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