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Teacher Attrition Lindy Kralicek.

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1 Teacher Attrition Lindy Kralicek

2 Reflection Teacher attrition is a problem in the country and is getting larger creating a greater teacher shortage. I wanted to know why are teachers choosing to leave the teaching field and is there a common trend among those teachers exiting. Also, I wanted to know what if anything is being done to slow the attrition of teachers at the districts and schools.

3 Literature Review Teachers leave for a variety of reasons: low salary being the primary, lack of respect for the profession, and personal reason New teachers stated they also leave due to the lack of preparedness right out of college for the classroom and then no support once in the classroom. The gap felt from teacher attrition within the schools from teachers left behind to fill the gaps leave students without the same level of education. The impact of teacher attrition at the schools and by the students is evident.

4 Purpose of the study Primary question for the study is: what impact does teacher attrition have on the teacher exiting the field, faculty and the school? Secondary question is: in what ways have teacher induction programs been used to retain new teachers at the school/district?

5 2 School Districts with schools each
Participants 2 School Districts with schools each --Schools within the districts have buildings who receive Title I funding and also schools who receive little to no Title I funding. Existing Teacher & Administrators from the buildings New Teachers and Teachers who are exiting this year

6 Research Plan & Collaboration
District Attrition will be gathered from Human Resources for each school and the district Teachers will participate in interviews and surveys regarding both teacher attrition and the impact at their school as well as teacher induction programs within the districts Teachers will be given the opportunity to participate in teacher inquiry as well allowing additional collaboration

7 Both questions will have the same data collection methods used.
Artifacts Observational Data Inquiry Data Since interviews will be conducted and field notes will be reviewed throughout the study and at the end as well.

8 Plan for Increasing Validity
Member checks will be used to increase validity allowing also for accurate interpretation of the data. Peer Debriefing will also be used allowing for the outside alternative interpretation of data and reflection.

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