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Changes In Matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Changes In Matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changes In Matter

2 Physical Properties A property of matter that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the matter.

3 Examples Color Size Shape Weight Density Odor Phase

4 Chemical Properties Describes a substance based on its ability to change into a new substance with different properties.

5 Examples Flammable - non flammable
Reacts with water Does not react with water Will Oxidize- Will not oxidize

6 Physical Change A change in the physical property of a substance
Physical change does not alter the identity of the substance. Ex. changing the phase of water from ice to steam does not change the fact that it is still water.

7 Examples Change of size or shape

8 Examples Change of State

9 Separation of mixtures
Examples Separation of mixtures

10 Chemical Change Chemical change occurs when one or more substances are changed into a new substance with different properties. Chemical change cannot be reversed using physical means.

11 Examples Of Chemical Change
Soured milk-Milk smells bad because bacteria have formed new substances.

12 Burning gasoline

13 Iron Altering To Rust When iron is exposed to water and oxygen it chemically changes into rust.

14 Plants Photosynthesizing
Plants chemically change carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose (sugar)

15 Clues To Chemical Change
Color change

16 Clues To Chemical Change
Foaming and fizzing

17 Clues To Chemical Change
Heat production

18 Clues To Chemical Change
Light Production

19 Clues To Chemical Change

20 Energy and Changes in Matter
When matter changes chemically or physically energy is either given off or taken in. Ex. Cold/heat pack, fire cracker, burning match

21 Conservation of Mass Mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical or physical change. The same amount of mass before and after a matter change will be the same. 2H2O H2O + O2

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