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Last minute reminders for your essay

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1 Last minute reminders for your essay
Poetry Analysis Essay Due TOMORROW!!!

2 How to “cite titles” Capitalize the first words of a title, the last word, and every word in between. Except articles (a, an, the), short prepositions (by, near, from, in etc.), and short conjunctions (and, so, but, etc.). Put quotation marks around a poem title. EX: “The Road Not Taken” “The Old Man Fell from the Tree”

3 How to punctuate Direct Quotes from poems
The poetic citation needs to have quotations around it, cite the line number(s), and have a slash with spaces around it if it contains more than one line, keep the punctuation the same as in the poem. EX: Jameson’s most poignant line came when the speaker declared, “we are all one / with each other we are / without each other, we are nothing” (12-14)

4 Thesis Statement Quick Review
Answer the question: What is your paper trying to do? Whatever your answer is must be part of your thesis statement. EX: Answer: Show that there are more similarities than differences in these two poems that look so different. Thesis: These two poems look so different, but looks are not everything; the two poems have far more similarities than differences.

5 Expectations Critically analyzed Thoughtful responses Deep thought
Excellent paragraph structure (including topic sentences) MLA Format Spell Checked

6 Don’t forget! You need your Pre-writing tomorrow in order to turn in your essay. This must be a published poem (just published on the internet does not count.) Spell check!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (10% off if any words spell check would have caught) Think deeply!  You can do this!

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