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Helping Your Child Prepare for SATs 2019

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1 Helping Your Child Prepare for SATs 2019

2 National Curriculum Tests (commonly called SATs)
Taken annually by all children across the country in Year 6. Are not qualifications and do not affect your child’s future options in school. Results are an opportunity to compare pupils nationally to ensure schools are helping pupils master the basics in English, Maths and make progress. Parents will receive a report with your child’s results from the curriculum tests taken, this will include your pupil’s scaled score, and whether or not they met the ‘expected standard’.

WHEN? This year the SATs will take place in the week beginning Monday 13th May. WRITING & SCIENCE TEACHER ASSESSED IN SUMMER TERM.

4 Reading Test 60 minutes to read and answer
Reading booklet – 3 different texts Questions types include:

5 Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation Test
Spelling – 20 sentences with words to fill in E.g. We sat at the table to eat our _______ (dinner) Grammar areas to be tested : Word Classes Sentence types Tenses Contractions Vocabulary Punctuation

6 Maths Test Three individual papers :
Paper 1 : Arithmetic paper – 30 mins Paper 2 & 3 : Reasoning – 40 mins No calculator allowed

7 Overview of SATs week Normal timetable is changed for Year 6 pupils
Tests will be taken in the rooms they normally work in SATs breakfast is offered to children from 9 a.m.

8 How are we helping to prepare your child in school?
Greater focus on developing core skills (reading, writing, maths) Additional assessments to identify gaps Data tracking to ensure all children make at least good progress, including those working at ‘greater depth’ Additional staffing to ensure children receive more adult support in reading, writing and maths Additional teaching to close gaps: Booster sessions in the afternoons, pre-teaching, 1:1 conferencing Revision guides, homework linked to what we have been learning and revising in school (weekly, holidays)

9 How Can You Help? Arrive in school on time, ready to do their best, breakfast and good night’s sleep (from now!) Quiet space to do their homework, to read for pleasure and to relax. Attendance it crucial – we need to aim for 100%. Please avoid taking your children out of school, try to arrange appointments during holidays and out of school hours. If you have any worries or concerns please speak to Siobhan, Shamima or Claudia (absentees from the KS2 tests are counted as having not scored and thus not achieving a level)

10 Ways you can Help? Reading
Listen to your child read and ask questions about what they have read Did you like the text/book/story? Why? What do you now know that you didn’t before? Did any parts puzzle you? Let’s read them and see if we can workout what is happening? What is the text about? Did the text/story remind you of anything else you have read recently or an experience.

11 Ways You Can Help? Spelling
Practise spellings they find tricky, just 5 minutes daily (see Y5/6 list on next slide for ideas and Word Aware to develop understanding of new vocabulary) Encourage them to use a dictionary when they can’t spell a word and then learn spelling through repetition and understanding what the words mean When listening to your child read, point out spellings of words. Play spelling games: Scrabble, Boggle and Upwords Identify words that are spelt differently in different contexts (e.g. there, their, they’re) Ensure they complete their Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar revision homework each week-mark at home using answers

12 Ways you can Help? Spelling

13 Our new whole school approach to promoting vocabulary development in all children.


15 Ways You Can Help? Maths Ensure your child completes their Collins revision homework every week (mark at home using answers in book) Encourage them to practise multiplication and division facts/ other topics allocated to them on MyMaths online Find opportunities to use numbers in everyday situations and encourage them to work out sums in their head i.e. working out how much shopping costs Use practical activities e.g. cooking and let your child use equipment, estimate length and weight of items Ask your child the time frequently throughout the day and ask questions about what time it would be later/earlier

16 How Can You Help? Here are some useful resources you could use at home to help your child prepare for the tests in May. Collins Books: reading, grammar, punctuation and spellings and maths. Your child already has 3 of these (voluntary contribution of £3 to the office-£1) Dates to complete homework each week are on the contents page. CGP books: you can purchase these from the office £2 each, in WHSmiths or see: MyMaths online-see allocated tasks when they log-in (let them choose-they don’t have to do them all!) All subjects - all subjects English - scroll down until you reach Key Stage 2 Maths


18 Rising Stars are offering heavily discounted SATs revision resources if you order using the information in the attached flyer.

19 How Can You Help? List of websites and apps your child can access at home. Some of the apps are free and others you may have to pay for (some free trails available) Numeracy Websites Education City and Education City Live KS2 Maths Bitesize Topmarks Crickweb Maths Games Cool Maths Maths Frame Numeracy Apps (available on App Stores) Doodle Maths Rising Stars I AM Learning: KS2 Maths Reading, Grammar and Spelling Websites Bitesize Grammar Reading, Grammar and Spelling Apps (available on App Stores) Amazon Kindle App – Classic children’s books are free within the app All subjects - all subjects English - scroll down until you reach Key Stage 2 Maths

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