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NPTEL - National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning

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Presentation on theme: "NPTEL - National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 NPTEL - National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning
Nationwide Survey NPTEL - National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning Awareness, Feedback and Expectations

2 Steps of fill the Survey Form
Agenda NPTEL Introduction Accessing NPTEL Video Steps of fill the Survey Form

3 NPTEL – National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning
Introduction NPTEL – National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning It is a Government of India sponsored collaborative educational programme Objective: to enhance the quality of engineering education in the country by developing curriculum based video and web courses The Execution Body: This is being carried out by IITs (Seven), IISc Bangalore and other premier institutions as a collaborative project Courses from: Basic Courses (Semesters I & II),Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Biotechnology, Mining, Metallurgy and more.. As of Oct 2012, 600 course were available online. The main objective of NPTEL program is to enhance the quality of engineering education in the country by developing curriculum based video and web courses. This is being carried out by IITs (Seven), IISc Bangalore and other premier institutions as a collaborative project. At IIT Madras, the project is evolving and it is our intent to provide learning materials, digitally taped classroom lectures, supplementary materials and links to state-of-the art research materials in every subject possible. As of Oct 2012, Total 600 courses are uploaded on the covering following branches.

4 NPTEL – National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning
Introduction NPTEL – National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning Video lectures on various subjects are offered by NPTEL Video lectures are delivered by prominent faculties of IITs and IISCs. Such Video Lectures are available for free. Such Video lectures are available in Online mode as well as in offline mode. Courses from: Basic Courses (Semesters I & II),Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Biotechnology, Mining, Metallurgy and more.. As of Oct 2012, 600 course were available online. The main objective of NPTEL program is to enhance the quality of engineering education in the country by developing curriculum based video and web courses. This is being carried out by IITs (Seven), IISc Bangalore and other premier institutions as a collaborative project. At IIT Madras, the project is evolving and it is our intent to provide learning materials, digitally taped classroom lectures, supplementary materials and links to state-of-the art research materials in every subject possible. As of Oct 2012, Total 600 courses are uploaded on the covering following branches. 4

Accessing NPTEL Steps of accessing NPTEL for Students Go to : Select a discipline from bottom of the page. Select A Course: After going into a discipline you will see a list of course available. Choose a course name which you want to learn Pip through course content or syllabus before subscribing the course Find A Course: Go to : Go to “Find Courses” tab. Search the course based on discipline, institute and Type. ALL THE COURSE ARE FREE AND DOWNLOADABLE. The slide the self explanatory.

6 NPTEL Evaluation Measuring the Impact Why this Evaluation:
NPTEL wants to assess the usage and quality of its courses based on feedback of students and faculty members; this will help add more courses and ways to serve better in order to fulfill its objective Steps for your participate: Get yourself familiar with NPTEL videos Watch Video lectures from : Fill the simple form Go through the instructions in the upcoming slides in order to fill the form easily. The slide the self explanatory.

7 Feel Free to contact us any time regarding doubts.
NPTEL Evaluation cont.. Form Filling Section 1: This section is all about your personal and academic details. Remember: You name is not mandatory so leave it blank if you don’t want to give your identity. Section 2: This section asks you about your awareness regarding NPTEL. Fill up SIX very easy questions regarding your awareness. Remember: If you didn’t know about NPTEL before attending this presentation write “NPTEL Evaluation” in Question number 2.4. Feel Free to contact us any time regarding doubts. Section 1: self explanatory’ Section 2: I am sure after watching this video or slides and visiting nptel website, you must have got good knowledge about the program.

8 Feel Free to contact us any time regarding doubts.
NPTEL Evaluation cont.. Form Filling Section 3: This section is extremely important as I measure the QUALITY of the course content. Mark the option “YES” in Que 3.4 if you feel NPTEL content should be priced. Section 4: This is the smallest among all sections about “How is NPTEL is helping your academically”. Section 5: This section contains 9 simple questions to suggest possible improvement. Feel Free to contact us any time regarding doubts.

9 Feel Free to contact us any time regarding doubts.
NPTEL Evaluation cont.. Form Filling Section 6: This section relates to questions about various dimensions of life and whether you want content related to Personality to be included in your study/ curriculum Section 7: This section talks about HOW YOU WANT TO ASSOCIATE YOURSELF with open education efforts such as NPTEL. Feel Free to contact us any time regarding doubts.

10 Thank You id:

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