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PROCSEE as a vehicle for PHE Policy in CSEE

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1 PROCSEE as a vehicle for PHE Policy in CSEE
Experiences from CROATIA

2 Intro – PHE in Croatia What is PHE in your country?
Part of tertiary education covering bachelor EQF6 and master level EQF7 programs (no postgraduate programs – EQF8) How does it differ from VET / Academic HE? In Croatia VET only covers secondary educational programs, and we do not have active VET programs at HE level. Difference between PHE and Academic HE is mostly visible in two things: Teaching credentials (Scientific vs. Professional) Universities could provide both PHE and AHE, while PHEIs could provide only PHE programs.

3 General Statistics How many experts did you involve nationally?
10 members of NCPHEE 40 deans of PHEIs Representatives of Government bodies (Ministry and National Agency for HE) Representatives of employers and students How many meetings did you have? 2 NCPHEE meetings + 5 project related meetings with stakeholders (students, PHEI represntatives, local government representatives, employer representatives, …) Any other interesting stats? Two public project results disseminations to PHEI represntatives (CUCAS)

4 Main Lessons learned There are significant differences between implementation level and legal status of PHE in project partner countries. Good practices examples from international experts (i.e. dual system from Germany, Austria…). Inertia of national governments to get more involved in policy projects like PROCSEE.

5 Alignment of PHE with Regional Strategies
Main Activities Our Association in next years Supporting PHEIs to align study programs and LOs to regional strategic development goals and labour market demands. Our Main Demands from Government To reshape legislation and initiate regional collaboration platforms (i.e. panels, committees,..) to better align study programs and LOs to regional strategic development goals and labour market demands.

6 Promotion of PHE in Response to Skill Shortages
Main Activities Our Association in next years Establishing alliances and synergies between education institutions among different levels and types of institutions to facilitate sharing of experience, resources, promoting study offers, joint projects and permeability. Our Main Demands from Government Collect relevant data (employability per occupations, wages, …) and provide information for evidence based policy making at all levels and for informed choice of future careers and study programs. Link financing of the programs / institutions with skill demands.

7 Organising and Monitoring Student Placements
Main Activities Our Association in next years Help PHEIs to implement LOs in their programs. Promote cooperation with alumni to support work placement. Our Main Demands from Government Through accreditation process demand LOs in work placement part of study programs. Finance mentorship within employers to support work placement for all areas of study. Invest in centers of competences where traditional employers and HE cooperate.

8 Personalised Learning Environments
Main Activities Our Association in next years Supporting PHEIs to implement instructional design to identify, teach and assess skills in a personalized environment. Our Main Demands from Government Use competence frameworks and publish occupational standards to allow students to map their way through a personalized learning journey. Develop national register of human potentials in order to record learner’s personalized learning journey through life, and use these records to empower their learning and career paths.

9 ++Strategic positioning and value of PHE
Main Activities Our Association in next years Promoting value and equal position of PHE and applied science. Proposing new / better HE policies. Promoting policies that will result in comparable percentage of PHE students within overall student population as is in EU. Our Main Demands from Government Higher academic and organizational autonomy of public (state owned) PHEIs. Similar financing status of PHE and AHE and recognition of applied research. Financing per students / per results, not just financing state owned institutions.

10 Our PROCSEE Experience
Setting Policy Priorities through National Stakeholder Consultation Good way to shape national policy or at least it is a tool promoting better communication. Sharing Experience with Experts & Associations at European Fora Useful experience triggering numerous new ideas. Best Practice Collection & Sharing Good idea that will certainly bring value to PHE in Europe.

11 Thank You!

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