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Section 1, Lecture 2 PHARMACOKINETICS [DRUG]

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Presentation on theme: "Section 1, Lecture 2 PHARMACOKINETICS [DRUG]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 1, Lecture 2 PHARMACOKINETICS [DRUG] [DRUG] IN BODY FLUIDS OR TISSUES OVER TIME Depends on rates of: -drug absorption -drug distribution -drug elimination= rates of biotranformation + excretion

2 Figure 2-4 Drug transport in the body. (From McKenry, L. M
Figure 2-4 Drug transport in the body. (From McKenry, L. M., & Salerno, E Mosby’s pharmacology in nursing, 19th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby.)

3 Drug absorption Rate of drug absorption- passage of the drug from its site of administration into the circulation Exception-Topically administered drugs (examples ) are absorbed directly into target tissues.

4 Two suggested models show the relationship of plasma drug concentration to the rate of drug absorption, distribution and elimination. K: rate constant C: conc. D: amount of drug in body at that time V: volume of the compartment

5 Most drugs cross biomembranes by passive diffusion where the rate of absorption is proportional to the drug concentration gradient. In which case will the rate be larger? Out In A B

6 Passive diffusion Aqueous diffusion Drug passes through aqueous pores in biomembranes BUT these pores limited to molecular wts of <40 Lipid Diffusion -drug if hydrophopic and uncharged dissolves in lipid (hydrophobic components) of biomembranes

7 A few drugs are imported via active transport (against a concentration gradient)
by facilitated diffusion with the aid of specific membrane transport proteins e.g. Cephaloporins that are absorbed by a transporter for dipeptides

8 Effect of pH on the absorption of weak acids and bases
-many drugs are weak acids or bases -Only non-ionized (i.e. no charge) form of drugs is soluble in lipid membrane and can get across Weak acids (HA) donate a proton (H+) to form anion (A-), whereas weak base (B) accept a proton to form cations (HB+) Drugs that are weak acids: HA H A- Drugs that are weak bases: BH H+ + B Which form can get across the membrane?

9 Henderson-Hasselbalch equation can be used to determine the ratio of nonprotonated to protonated
pH = pKa + log [nonprotonated]/[protonated] pKa: pH at which the protonated and non-protonated forms are equal if pKa >7 weak base; if pKa <7 weak acid If pH<pKa protonated form>non-protonated form

10 if pKa >7 weak base; if pKa <7 weak acid
pH Stomach Weak acids are more absorbed Small intestine Weak bases are more absorbed if pKa >7 weak base; if pKa <7 weak acid

11 Example: Salicylic acid pKa=3 At a pH of 2 pH = pKa + log [nonprotonated]/[protonated] 2= 3 + log [nonprotonated]/[protonated] -1 =10-1 = 0.1 = 1/10 = log [nonprotonated]/[protonated] For a weak acid which form is uncharged? 10 1

12 Amphetamine- pKa =10 does it get absorbed in the stomach where the pH= 2?
pH = pKa + log [nonprotonated]/[protonated] 2= 10 + log [nonprotonated]/[protonated] -8 = log [nonprotonated]/[protonated] 10-8 = = 1/100,000,000= [nonprotonated]/[protonated] For a weak base which form is uncharged? 100,000,000 1

13 Amphetamine- pKa =10 does it get better absorbed in the intestine where the pH= 7?
pH = pKa + log [nonprotonated]/[protonated] 7= 10 + log [nonprotonated]/[protonated] -3 =log [nonprotonated]/[protonated] 1/1000= [nonprotonated]/[protonated] The ratio of two forms at a particular site influences the rate of drug absorption, distribution or elimination

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