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THIS IS Jeopardy.

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1 THIS IS Jeopardy

2 Jeopardy Buddhism Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam Wild-card 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

3 This historical figure is recognized as the founder of Buddhism

4 Siddhartha Guatama A 100

5 The country that Buddhism was founded in

6 India A 200

7 Known as the ‘middle way’, these are the guidelines for behavior if you are a practicing Buddhist

8 8 Fold Path A 300

9 This historical figure converted to Buddhism after the Kalinga War; this started a time in which Buddhism became the dominant relgion in India A 400

10 Asoka A 400

11 The belief in ‘non-violence’ or pacifism is known as this, in the Buddhist religion

12 Ahimsa A 500

13 This is the country that Hinduism developed in
B 100

14 India B 100

15 The belief that your soul is reborn from one life to the next

16 Reincarnation B 200

17 This is your assigned ‘social class’ that you are born into, according to the Hindu faith

18 Caste B 300

19 These are the religious texts for the Hindu faith
B 400

20 Vedas and Upanishads B 400

21 This is the name of the ‘world’s soul’ according to the Hindu people
(identify the name of the soul & the ‘parts’ it is made of) B 500

22 Brahman Brahma – Creator Vishnu – Protector Shiva – Destroyer B 500

23 The basis for Jewish faith; one believes in a single, all powerful god
C 100

24 Monotheism/Monotheistic

25 The ‘ethical code’ of conduct that is expected to be followed by all Jews (and Christians)

26 10 Commandments C 200

27 The ‘father of the Hebrews’ or founder of Judaism
C 300

28 Abraham C 300


30 The name of the geographic area where the founder of Judaism was born

31 Mesopotamia C 400

32 The political movement that supported the establishment of a Jewish homeland

33 Zionism C 500

34 The founder of Christianity

35 Jesus of Nazareth D 100

36 Christianity became an official religion during the latter stages of this civilization

37 Roman Empire D 200

38 The hardships that the Christians had to endure because they refused to participate in government sponsored religious ceremonies, is known as this D 300

39 Persecution D 300

40 This emperor signed the Edict of Milan, which made Christianity legal in the Roman Empire

41 Constantine D 400

42 The name of the province that the founder of Christianity was born & started to preach

43 Judea D 500

44 The founder of Islam E 100

45 Muhammad E 100

46 The name of the peninsula in which Islam was formed

47 Modern-day Saudi Arabia
Arabian Peninsula Modern-day Saudi Arabia E 200

48 The name of the city in which the founder of Islam was born

49 Mecca E 300

50 Name 4 out of the 5 ‘Pillars’ of Islam

51 Faith – Belief in one god Prayer – pray 5x a day
Fasting – Fast during Ramadan Pilgrimmage/Hajj – Visit holy least once Alms – donate to less fortunate annually E 400

52 The name of the ethical code that developed after the death of the founder, this is more specific and regulates the daily lives of muslims E 500

53 Sha’ria E 500

54 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Development of Islam
Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

55 Click on screen to continue
Identify the two different branches of Islam that are present today. Explain why the ‘split’ ocurred. Click on screen to continue

56 Click on screen to continue
1 – Shi’a/Shi’ite 2 – Sunni Reason(s): (1)Umayyad Family moved capital from Mecca to Damascus; (2)Debate occurred over who should ‘govern’ Islam (relative of Muhammad or Umayyad Family) Click on screen to continue

57 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!

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