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Salt/Nutrient Management Plans

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1 Salt/Nutrient Management Plans
and Basin Plan Amendments Darrin Polhemus Deputy Director, Division of Water Quality State Water Resources Control Board July 15, 2010

2 Introduction Salt/Nutrient Management Plans required by the Recycled Water Policy For all groundwater basins Stakeholders prepare salt/nutrient management plans Regional Boards adopt implementation plans based on the salt/nutrient management plans as basin plan amendments

3 Salt/Nutrient Management Plans
Plans must include: Implementation plan Monitoring plan, including constituents of emerging concern (CECs) California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis Plans must consider: All sources of salts and nutrients Basin hydrogeology Recycled water use and storm water recharge

4 Salt/Nutrient Management Plans and Basin Plan Amendments
State Water Board staff prepared draft document templates for Regional Board’s basin planning process (May 17, 2010 drafts released on July 12, 2010) Purpose is to streamline the process Documents will create a standardized basin plan framework, but allow for regional flexibility

5 Salt/Nutrient Management Plans and Basin Plan Amendments
Documents designed to accommodate range of basin and salt/nutrient plan complexity Can accommodate additional water quality issues, such as metals and constituents of emerging concern Documents include: Suggested salt/nutrient plan elements table of contents to support the Regional Board’s process Standardized basin plan list of groundwater basins and associated beneficial uses Basin plan amendment in table format Environmental analysis with CEQA check list

6 Salt/Nutrient Management Plan: Elements
Required by the Recycled Water Policy Monitoring Plan Assess basin groundwater quality Constituents and frequency Monitor area of groundwater and surface water connectivity Identify responsible stakeholder implementing the monitoring CECs in recycled water

7 Salt/Nutrient Management Plan: Elements
Required by the Recycled Water Policy (cont.) Water Recycling and Stormwater Recharge/Use Goals and Objectives Salt/Nutrient Source Identification Basin/Sub-Basin Assimilative Capacity Loading Rates Fate and Transport of Salt/Nutrients Antidegradation Analysis Implementation Measures to Manage S/N Loading

8 Salt/Nutrient Management Plan: Suggested Elements
Groundwater Basin Overview Physiographic description Groundwater basin identification and boundaries Watershed boundaries Geology Hydrogeology/Hydrology Recharge areas Climate Land cover and land use Water sources

9 Salt/Nutrient Management Plan: Suggested Elements
Basin Water Quality Groundwater quality: Past and present Beneficial uses Surface water quality: Effect on groundwater Delivered water, imported water, and recycled water

10 Salt/Nutrient Management Plan: Suggested Elements
Water Balance & Salt/Nutrient Balances Conceptual model Basin inflow/outflow Source identification Loading estimates Basin “assimilative capacity” Fate and transport of salt/nutrients

11 Salt/Nutrient Management Plan: Suggested Elements
Salt/Nutrient Management Strategies Load reduction goals Changes in land development and use Salt/Nutrient management options Feasibility analysis Cost analysis

12 Salt/Nutrient Management Plan
The need for additional studies will be dictated by the complexity of the basin Type and number of sources of salts/nutrients Quantity (load) of salt/nutrient discharged Impairments and/or threats to groundwater quality and beneficial uses Data gaps

13 Basin Plan Amendments for Salt/Nutrients
Envision three types of Basin Plan Amendments, characteristics include: Individual Plan-basin large in size, complex land-use, heavily used, water quality threatened High Salinity Plan-coastal basins with naturally high salinity not currently used as a source of water and interior naturally saline basin (Res. No ) No Threat Plan-basins with minimal or no known current threat to water quality; address all basins within a Region with single basin plan amendment

14 Progress to Date February 2009 State Water Board adopts Recycled Water Policy May RW Policy became effective July State Water Board adopts General Permit Waste Discharge Requirements for Landscape Irrigation Uses of Municipal Recycled Water August State Water Board memo to Regional Water Boards on implementing RW Policy September coordination meetings between State Water Board and WateReuse begin

15 Progress to Date (cont.)
September Water Boards establish Salt/Nutrient Management Group to coordinate Water Boards’ role November State Water Board hires Recycled Water Ombudsperson Jagroop Khela November WateReuse holds 3 kick-off workshops, State Water Board participates May Salt/Nutrient Management Group presents draft basin plan amendment templates June CEC Advisory Panel Report

16 Regional Water Boards’ Progress
North Coast Water Board- stakeholder group starts to plan process for Santa Rosa Plains Basin; and proposing a basin plan amendment for groundwater with the intent to address the requirements of the Recycled Water Policy on a region basis Central Coast Water Board- conducted two workshop sessions: March 3 and March 10, refer to Regional Board website for information Lahontan Water Board- discusses S/N plan requirements at the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) meetings and two watershed group meetings; development of SNMP effort in the Antelope Valley

17 Regional Water Boards’ Progress
Los Angeles Water Board- contacting stakeholders to form a SNMP group for the Santa Clara River area Santa Ana Water Board- adopted a resolution, “Declaration of Conformance with the Recycled Water Policy” in March 2010

18 Regional Water Boards’ Progress (cont.)
Central Valley Water Board- In February, the "Salt and Nitrate Sources Pilot Implementation Study Report" finalized and posted on the Central Valley Salinity Coalition web site ( San Diego Water Board- Following Oct kick-off meeting San Diego County Water Authority and Southern California Salinity Coalition begin preparing Tiered Guidelines for Preparation of Salt and Nutrient Management Plans for San Diego Region, and a White Paper on strategies for compliance with iron and manganese discharge requirements.

19 Future Activities State Water Board consideration of recommendations from CEC advisory panel – planned for Fall, 2010 Continue working with DWR to allow Prop 84 funds to be used for development of salt/nutrient management plans Collection of information on recycled water use State Water Board Information Item Planned for October 2010 Implementation of Recycled Water Policy Status of Salt/Nutrient Management Plans

20 How can we assist you? Darrin Polhemus, Deputy Director
(916) Liz Haven, Assistant Deputy Director (916) Gordon Innes, Senior Water Resources Control Engineer (916) Jagroop Khela, Water Recycling Ombudsperson (916) 

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