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Qubit-induced high-order nonlinear interaction of the polar molecules

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Presentation on theme: "Qubit-induced high-order nonlinear interaction of the polar molecules"— Presentation transcript:

1 Qubit-induced high-order nonlinear interaction of the polar molecules
in a stripline cavity Gang Chen (陈刚) Shanxi University (Taiyuan, Shanxi province) Shaoxing university (Shaoxing, Zhejiang province)

2 Outline 1. Acknowledgements
2. The rotational states of the polar molecules 3. Quantum optics for the polar molecules with the rotational states 4. Collective spin-qubit model 5. Qubit-induced high-order nonlinear interaction of the polar molecules

3 Acknowledgements 3. 973 program and NNSFC
Professors Suotang Jia and Liantuan Xiao in Shanxi University 2. Doctors Yonggang Yang, Jie Ma and Yanting Zhao in Shanxi University program and NNSFC

4 The rotation states of the polar molecules

5 The rotation states of the polar molecules
Quantum information for the polar molecules with the rotation states.

6 The rotation states of the polar molecules

7 The rotation states of the polar molecules

8 The rotation states of the polar molecules
Three novel properties of the polar molecules with the rotational states are given as following: The large electric dipole moment (2) The long-live internal rotation states The natural lifetime: (3) The long-range dipole-dipole interaction

9 Quantum optics for the polar molecule(s)

10 Quantum optics for the polar molecule(s)

11 Two polar molecules ???? Quantum optics for the polar molecule(s)
A polar molecule interacting with a microwave cavity is governed by the JC model Two polar molecules ????

12 Quantum optics for the polar molecule(s)
An ensemble of the polar molecules interacting with a microwave cavity is governed by the Dicke model Typical properties: (a) Collective coupling (b) Quantum phase transition

13 Collective spin-qubit model

14 Collective spin-qubit model
Virtual photon

15 Collective spin-qubit model
New quantum dynamics induced by a qubit ?

16 High-order nonlinear interaction
In the rotating frame, becomes

17 High-order nonlinear interaction

18 High-order nonlinear interaction
In the interaction picture with respect to

19 High-order nonlinear interaction

20 High-order nonlinear interaction

21 Thank you for your attention

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