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Interesting Times: Navigating the Uncertainties in the North American Gas Market Ed Kelly Vice President North American Gas and Power Wood Mackenzie.

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Presentation on theme: "Interesting Times: Navigating the Uncertainties in the North American Gas Market Ed Kelly Vice President North American Gas and Power Wood Mackenzie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interesting Times: Navigating the Uncertainties in the North American Gas Market Ed Kelly Vice President North American Gas and Power Wood Mackenzie

2 Risks and Uncertainties – On the Supply Side
The Resource Base is Vast, but Production Levels and Cost Remain Uncertain 1) Environmental resistance – especially hydraulic fracturing regulations. Environmental resistance, and political attention, continue to build Regulatory costs and permitting delays could slow development considerably And increase the ultimate cost, and gas price, substantially 2) Ultimate shale/unconventional production performance By , we will know much more about how shale wells perform longer term, and will have a much better idea of ultimate recoveries and production potential for a given well 3) Competition with oil for upstream dollars and services Companies moving toward oil are moving away from dry gas - gas shale plays must compete for horizontal rigs and crews A booming opportunity in oil could raise target IRRs on gas plays as producers seek the best margins No outlook, however, is without its uncertainties and risks…most of which have already been touched upon.

3 Risks and Uncertainties – On the Demand Side
Demand Opportunities Require Major Capital Commitment or Policy Help, while Risks are Few 1) Carbon and environmental policy – coal retirements are the lever Wide range of possibilities w. carbon depending on the targets, timing, price and investment focus EPA regulation and pressure on older coal units—how many retire? 2) A weak economy – 1 year of recession takes 2-3 years of demand growth off the table 3) New (or renewed) markets for gas Gas-intensive industries represent an opportunity, but depend on liquids and global dynamics NGVs? Difficult competition from plug-in hybrids for passenger cars and energy density issues for long haul heavy duty vehicles No outlook, however, is without its uncertainties and risks…most of which have already been touched upon.

4 For Supply – Stronger Potential, but…
So How is it Looking? For Supply – Stronger Potential, but… Haynesville, Marcellus, Fayetteville, Eagle Ford, and Canadian shales all look stronger How much capital is reallocated toward oil drilling, and how much new capital enters? How threatened is hydro-fraccing? What will be the results of the ongoing EPA study, and what conditions will the Interior Department place on drilling on federal lands?

5 Led by Key Shales, US Supply Growth Continues: for a Few More Months
US production Over the last six months, Haynesville, Fayetteville, and Marcellus production climbed by 1.5 bcfd US Production currently (Feb) running an estimated 1.5 Bcfd above year earlier levels Ann Avg production expected to peak this year and next at 60.5 Bcfd dry.

6 Setting the stage—The next 18 months; breaking beyond coal competition
Flat supply, firmer global markets, and power demand supports price rebound from current lows Prices below $4.00/mmbtu are likely short-lived (end mid 2011) For 2011, prices recover into the mid $4.00s ($4.60 nom) as the market remains well-supplied Drilling levels are vulnerable late in year Market support develops by winter 2011/2012 ($ price) $6.00 by late 2012 Short-Term Price Outlook Narrow Band surrounding price expectation price ceiling = domestic and global supply factors demand floor = coal displacement Source: Wood Mackenzie

7 2012: Declining rig counts cut into supply and gas demand, and price recovery is hampered by loss of coal displacement demand Drilling and supply Power sector summary …pulls down 2012 power demand by limiting displacement Decline in 2012 production… How quickly will rigs recover in ’12/’13 Fierce competition with oil Hedge hangover? Sources: Wood Mackenzie, Smith Bits Source: Wood Mackenzie

8 Rig counts required to maintain production at 2010 year-end levels
How many rigs does it take to hold production flat? About 900, and we’re at the Tipping Point. But – it depends on where those rigs are. With horizontal rigs at record highs and increased rig productivity, rig counts required to maintain production have dropped significantly Rig counts to maintain production at 2010 year-end levels depend strongly on activity levels in key growth shales The rig count to sustain production could be even lower once a majority of shale drilling switches to pad rigs, after acreage constraints ease Rig counts required to maintain production at 2010 year-end levels

9 The Resource Base is There: Supply Analysis by Region Shows the Potential for Broad-based Growth (Bcfd, dry) Supply overall increases by 27 Bcfd in the US The largest increases are in the Gulf Coast and the Northeast. This represents an increase of 5.1 Bcfd in 2025 in the US from Wood Mackenzie’s previous long-term view. Not only do we not need LNG – for the first time we do not need an AK pipe, either.

10 But – Will we be Allowed to Get to It
But – Will we be Allowed to Get to It? The Supply Mix Depends on Shales, and Hydraulic Fracturing Close to 50% of total supply longer term will be affected by regulations on hydraulic fracturing. Still, strong growth potential Bcfd in the known shale plays by 2025! Marcellus – to 10 Bcfd Haynesville – to Bcfd Horn River – to 5 Bcfd Fayetteville – to Bcfd

11 For Demand – Promising Signals
So How is it Looking? For Demand – Promising Signals Several announcements about methanol and ammonia capacity being restarted—new capacity announcements to come? Many petchem producers lightening their feedslates Several proposed LNG export facilities have signed MOUs, and global gas prices have recovered more quickly than expected Coal mining costs look likely to support a higher cost structure—but how fast can retirements come while preserving grid stability? Will high oil prices jeopardize fragile economic recovery?

12 Short-term economic outlook has improved, but significant risks remain
US GDP growth Impact of high oil prices on consumer spending? Long-term GDP growth looks weaker, with slower pace of productivity growth “New normal” unemployment rate at higher levels?

13 US industrial gas demand
And ammonia restarts and ethylene capacity conversions suggest a stronger long-term pace of industrial demand growth US industrial gas demand Medium term growth as capacity is restarted Improved environment for US manufacturing generally, as the dollar depreciates and massive trade imbalances subside

14 While robust gas demand in Asia, and cost inflation in Australia, look likely to support at least a couple North American LNG export projects LNG exports from Gulf Coast to Europe LNG Exports from Gulf Coast to Asia Also faster pace of import remarketing

15 Gas and coal production costs are moving in opposite direction—although carbon legislation now looks less likely to close this gap Gas prices Coal and carbon prices

16 …likely supporting more coal plant retirements
Coal-gas price spread What is ultimately going to replace CAIR?—Differences between Transport Rule and Carper bill State-level caps Higher in aggregate, but many regional dislocations How quickly can plants be retired? Mention that Carper still might happen

17 Will Gas Find Other Markets
Will Gas Find Other Markets? Could the long-term price outlook—and the gap with oil—fuel additional market opportunity? Res/Com Circle size reflects demand potential Coal retirements Short LNG exports Time Horizon Carbon bill Industrial Long Not just oil gas price spread but also coal gas NGVs Plug-in hybrids Significant Minimal Capital Investment Required Source: Wood Mackenzie

18 (Other) Risks to the Outlook
Fiscal indebtedness Currency swings Spread of Civil Unrest Political uncertainty

19 Speaking of Which, On the Oil Side - Developing Economies (demand pull) will exert greater influence on global oil demand Source: History - IEA; Forecast - Wood Mackenzie

20 As a Result: OPEC Spare Capacity Reduced Through 2015 : Our base case view shown with the impact of lower than expected oil demand in the same period – and this reduction is pre-crisis Source: Wood Mackenzie

21 The Result: WTI Crude Oil Price Forecast to 2015 (Real and Nominal) and Risk Factors
Upward price risk Political turmoil in key producing nations Attack on Iran nuclear facilities Lagging upstream investment Oil prices return to $100 (nominal) on annual basis by 2013; $92 in real terms. $95 real, $116 nominal by 2015. Oil demand growth averages near 1.5 millions Bbls/day annually, reaches 100 MMBbls/day by 2020. Price Volatility Risk Financial investors shift stance Downward price risk Slower than expected GDP growth to 2015 Iraq supply wildcard OPEC production restraint eases too much too soon Source: History – Thomson Datastream; Forecast - Wood Mackenzie

22 Despite Increasing Prices, Gas Remains Cheap—Oil and Gas Remain Apart
Average price WTI: : $89.46 : $92.21 : $105.26 Plentiful exploration risk, and reservoir performance risk in this oil outlook, in contrast to US gas. Preliminary Avg Henry Hub (real): 2011: $4.60 : $5.71 : $5.75 : $6.12 Oil and Gas Commodity Price Forecasts Average WTI to Henry Hub Differential $2010/mmbtu 2.83 2009 6.88 10.03 12.02

23 The New Big Picture: Gas is Available in Any Feasible Quantity, but Not at $ and That’s IF the Industry is Allowed to Get To IT Through 2012…Sluggishness and Gas as a Coal-derived Fuel With sluggish economic recovery and supply strength; coal displacement continues to influence the gas market Late 2012 – 2016…Growth Potential With an increasing call on production as demand growth resumes, there is potential for growing pains as the market transitions from retrenchment to expansion; prices rise to the $ $7 range. 2016 and Beyond – a Collision Course? Demand pressure appears likely, with the pace of growth shaped by coal retirements, potential carbon legislation and a discount to oil. If the upstream is allowed to invest at pace, pricing remains moderate: $ $7.00 BUT – if not, we could be needing that LNG, and that Alaska Pipeline after all!

24 Global Contact Details Europe +44 (0)131 243 4400
Wood Mackenzie Kintore House 74-77 Queen Street Edinburgh EH2 4NS Global Contact Details Europe +44 (0) Americas Asia Pacific Global Offices Australia - Canada - China - Japan - Malaysia - Russia - Singapore - South Africa - United Arab Emirates - United Kingdom - United States Wood Mackenzie has been providing its unique range of research products and consulting services to the Energy industry for over 30 years. Wood Mackenzie provides forward-looking commercial insight that enables clients to make better business decisions. For more information visit:

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