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Auspicious Words of Year of the Ram

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1 Auspicious Words of Year of the Ram
羊年吉祥話(话) Yáng nián jí xiáng huà February 20, 2015

2 The ram is triumphant. Yáng yáng dé yì 洋洋得意
February 20, 2015

3 One boat is sailing with the wind. Yī fán fēng shùn 一帆風(风)順(顺)
Smooth One boat is sailing with the wind. Yī fán fēng shùn 一帆風(风)順(顺) February 20, 2015

4 Two dragons are flying . Èr lóng téng fēi 二龍(龙)騰(腾)飛(飞)
Prosperous Two dragons are flying . Èr lóng téng fēi 二龍(龙)騰(腾)飛(飞) February 20, 2015

5 The spring comes in full form. Sān yáng kāi tài 三陽(阳)開(开)泰
Bright The spring comes in full form. Sān yáng kāi tài 三陽(阳)開(开)泰 February 20, 2015

6 Four seasons are peaceful. Sìjì píng ān 四季平安
February 20, 2015

7 Five fortunes are coming. Wǔ fú lín mén 五福臨(临)門(门)
Fortunate Five fortunes are coming. Wǔ fú lín mén 五福臨(临)門(门) February 20, 2015

8 Double six means extremely smooth. Liù liù dà shùn 六六大順(顺)
February 20, 2015

9 Seven stars illuminate the sky. Qī xīng gāo zhào 七星高照
Lucky Seven stars illuminate the sky. Qī xīng gāo zhào 七星高照 February 20, 2015

10 Money is from all eight directions. Bā fāng lái cái 八方來(来)財(财)
Thriving Money is from all eight directions. Bā fāng lái cái 八方來(来)財(财) February 20, 2015

11 Double nine means cooperativeness. Jiǔ jiǔ tóng xīn 九九同心
Happy Double nine means cooperativeness. Jiǔ jiǔ tóng xīn 九九同心 February 20, 2015

12 Double ten means it is flawless. Shí quán shí měi 十全十美
Perfect Double ten means it is flawless. Shí quán shí měi 十全十美 February 20, 2015

13 It is full of propitious omen. Jí qìng yǒu yú 吉慶(庆)有餘(余)
Auspicious It is full of propitious omen. Jí qìng yǒu yú 吉慶(庆)有餘(余) February 20, 2015

14 The wealth comes every year. Fù guì nián nián 富貴(贵)年年
Wealthy The wealth comes every year. Fù guì nián nián 富貴(贵)年年 February 20, 2015

15 Everything is going well. Bǎi shì hēng tōng 百事亨通
February 20, 2015

16 The ambition has succeeded. Hóng tú dà zhǎn 鴻(鸿)圖(图)大展
Successful The ambition has succeeded. Hóng tú dà zhǎn 鴻(鸿)圖(图)大展 February 20, 2015

17 Good fortune & spring are welcome. Yíng chūn nà fú 迎春納(纳)福
February 20, 2015

18 Spring is coming & everything is triumphant.
Well Spring is coming & everything is triumphant. Xīn chūn fēi yáng 新春飛(飞)揚(扬) February 20, 2015

19 fortune February 20, 2015

20 spring chūn February 20, 2015

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