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Holocene Coral-Reef Development, SW Dominican Republic:

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1 Holocene Coral-Reef Development, SW Dominican Republic:
Views Forward and Backward Through Time Dennis Hubbard,Dept. of Geology - Oberlin College Sedimentation has a strong control on coral shape, which can be used as a proxy to relative sedimentation stress. Top left: Increasing sedimentation causes a progressive shift from hemispherical coral colonies (left) to conical forms (center) and eventually columnar shapes (right). This is a response to reduced ability for the colony to builds laterally. Bottom left: Examples of domal, conical and columnar coral colonies. Right:Intermittent sedimentation results in multiple episodes of colony compromise and regeneration. Colony shape also dramatically impacts on the degree of bioerosion. Conical colonies are more altered, regardless of species.

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