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Whole School Eco Action led by P7 and Mrs Kenny

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1 Whole School Eco Action led by P7 and Mrs Kenny
Tynewater Primary School - a thinking-caring learning community Whole School Eco Action led by P7 and Mrs Kenny Topic for Action: Water When will it be done by? June 2012 How can we monitor it? Keep copies of letters; photographs; record consumption of water and create graphs to compare with previous years. How will we know when we are successful? We will see a reduction in the school’s water consumption figures; we will have containers in place to catch rainwater for plants. How much will it cost? We have still to cost the equipment How well does it work? Any ideas for the future? After

2 Whole School Eco Action led by P5/6 and Mrs Thompson
Tynewater Primary School - a thinking-caring learning community Whole School Eco Action led by P5/6 and Mrs Thompson Topic for Action: Energy When will it be done by? By the Easter holidays How can we monitor it? We will record examples of wasted energy that we see around school. How will we know when we are successful? There will be a reduction in the amount of examples that we see around school as everyone remembers to save energy. How much will it cost? No money, just school resources such as paper. How well does it work? After Any ideas for the future? After

3 Whole School Eco Action led by P4/5 and Mr Taylor
Tynewater Primary School - a thinking-caring learning community Whole School Eco Action led by P4/5 and Mr Taylor Topic for Action: Waste minimisation – paper and food When will it be done by? Ongoing (measure results by June 2012) How can we monitor it? Weekly weighing of class paper waste. We will produce graphs to show figures. How will we know when we are successful? Weekly class totals will drop. Recycled notepads will be used by school staff. How much will it cost? £0 How well does it work? After Any ideas for the future? After

4 Whole School Eco Action led by P3/4 and Ms Campbell
Tynewater Primary School - a thinking-caring learning community Whole School Eco Action led by P3/4 and Ms Campbell Topic for Action: Healthy Eating – we are going to survey the school and find out how healthy we are. When will it be done by? Easter How can we monitor it? Measure and display results of healthy eating. How will we know when we are successful? Do another survey to check How much will it cost? ? How well does it work? After Any ideas for the future? After

5 Whole School Eco Action led by P2, Ms Stewart and Mrs Ketchion
Tynewater Primary School - a thinking-caring learning community Whole School Eco Action led by P2, Ms Stewart and Mrs Ketchion Topic for Action: Recycling mobile phones and old spectacles. When will it be done by? We will collect and recycle all year. How can we monitor it? We will count how many of each we collect and keep a note of the number. How will we know when we are successful? Nobody in the school has done this before so any phones we collect will be more than last year. How much will it cost? Nothing apart from postage. How well does it work? Any ideas for the future?

6 Whole School Eco Action led by P1, Ms Corcoran and Mrs McNairn
Tynewater Primary School - a thinking-caring learning community Whole School Eco Action led by P1, Ms Corcoran and Mrs McNairn Topic for Action: Birds. We would like to attract more birds to our school playground. When will it be done by? This will be a project that P1 will carry out all year. How can we monitor it? We are going to take part in the RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch How will we know when we are successful? If more birds are visiting our school playground. How much will it cost? Some food and possibly a bird table or bath After How well does it work? Any ideas for the future? After

7 Whole School Eco Action led by our Morning Nursery Class
Tynewater Primary School - a thinking-caring learning community Whole School Eco Action led by our Morning Nursery Class Topic for Action: Water usage When will it be done by? April 2012 How can we monitor it? Simple charts or graphs to record usage How will we know when we are successful? When records show a reduction in water usage How much will it cost? Nothing How well does it work? After Any ideas for the future? After

8 Whole School Eco Action led by our Afternoon Nursery Class
Tynewater Primary School - a thinking-caring learning community Whole School Eco Action led by our Afternoon Nursery Class Topic for Action: Encouraging a variety of wildlife into the school grounds When will it be done by? Start January 2012 then ongoing How can we monitor it? Observation and simple pictorial record sheets How will we know when we are successful? When records show an increase in the number and variety of animal visitors How much will it cost? Possible cost of bird feed How well does it work? After Any ideas for the future? After

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