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Luke 10:25-37 Scripture Focus: With Burning Hearts: Luke

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Presentation on theme: "Luke 10:25-37 Scripture Focus: With Burning Hearts: Luke"— Presentation transcript:

1 Luke 10:25-37 Scripture Focus: With Burning Hearts: Luke
11. Who Is My Neighbor? Scripture Focus: Luke 10:25-37

2 Who are the characters in the parable of the Good Samaritan?
With Burning Hearts: Luke 11. Who Is My Neighbor? Who are the characters in the parable of the Good Samaritan? What do the actions of the characters say about each of them?

3 How is Mary similar to and different from the Good Samaritan?
With Burning Hearts: Luke 11. Who Is My Neighbor? Luke 10:27 teaches that we are to love God and love our neighbor. Which of these two loves does the story of Mary and Martha highlight? How is Mary similar to and different from the Good Samaritan?

4 With Burning Hearts: Luke
11. Who Is My Neighbor? Why do we need both examples to understand what it means to follow Jesus?

5 In what sense did he “test” Jesus?
With Burning Hearts: Luke 11. Who Is My Neighbor? What is surprising about the question that the expert in the law asked Jesus? In what sense did he “test” Jesus?

6 Why did Jesus answer the lawyer’s question with a question?
With Burning Hearts: Luke 11. Who Is My Neighbor? Why did Jesus answer the lawyer’s question with a question? What is the answer to the lawyer’s original question: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

7 Why did the lawyer need to “justify” himself?
With Burning Hearts: Luke 11. Who Is My Neighbor? Why did the lawyer need to “justify” himself? Why did he pose another question to Jesus?

8 With Burning Hearts: Luke
11. Who Is My Neighbor? What was surprising about the priest and Levite who passed by the man at the side of the road?

9 Why do you think Jesus made the hero of his story a Samaritan?
With Burning Hearts: Luke 11. Who Is My Neighbor? Why do you think Jesus made the hero of his story a Samaritan? A description of the care given by the Samaritan takes up nearly half the story. Why do you think Jesus told that part of the story in such detail?

10 Compare the lawyer’s question How has the focus changed?
With Burning Hearts: Luke 11. Who Is My Neighbor? Compare the lawyer’s question (“Who is my neighbor?”) with Jesus’ question (“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”) How has the focus changed?

11 With Burning Hearts: Luke
11. Who Is My Neighbor? Each time the lawyer gave the correct answer to Jesus’ probing questions, what was Jesus’ admonition?

12 With Burning Hearts: Luke
11. Who Is My Neighbor? Who of all the needy people around us are the “neighbors” we are to love as ourselves?

13 With Burning Hearts: Luke
11. Who Is My Neighbor? What are some of the ways our group can reach out in service to neighbors?

14 Can their failure to help be justified?
With Burning Hearts: Luke 11. Who Is My Neighbor? What were some possible excuses the priest and Levite used for their failure to help the victim? Can their failure to help be justified?

15 With Burning Hearts: Luke
11. Who Is My Neighbor? What does Jesus teach us by the absence of any information about the victim?

16 With Burning Hearts: Luke
11. Who Is My Neighbor? What is our first step of faith toward a life of Christlike compassion?

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