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NQT & PGCE Monday 3rd December

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1 NQT & PGCE Monday 3rd December
Preparing for Parents’ Evening Supporting students with barriers to learning NQT & PGCE Monday 3rd December

2 NQT and PGCE - Sharing best practice

3 Ways to meet the Part 2 standard
Facebook security/social networking Remain objective when delivering contentious material Ensure equality of opportunities E.g. supporting students with barriers to learning Does not bring profession or the school into disrepute Appropriate language Professional communication with Parents at Parents’ Evening Safe working practices Knowledge of teaching standards Knowledge and enforcement of safeguarding/child protection Confidentiality – what happens in school stays in school Political view is not promoted in school Positive role model Good attendance and punctuality No prejudice – remains impartial Respects the views of others Respect data protection e.g. attendance of GDPR training Read, follow and promote policies and procedures E.g. evidence of reading policies etc. Meets deadlines and targets Consistent professional behaviour both inside and outside of the school setting

4 Parents’ Evening Reflections on research?

5 ‘Tell me so that I can hear you’
You might consider covering all bases and mentioning… - Overall impression of the child beyond academics - Data driven feedback - Specific targets… can be understand by a non-subject specialist! - Consider the child’s emotional wellbeing as well as academic - Remember that the child is there too or will hear about what you have said. Feedback should be constructive rather than a character assassination! - Parents’ Evening is not the time to reveal for the first time that the child has been an absolute nightmare.

6 Parents’ Evening Scenario 1: You are meeting with the parents of a child who regularly misbehaves in your lesson, does not complete homework and has been rude and disorderly. You have sent s home before. Scenario 2: You are meeting with the parents of a child who is not meeting their target grade - despite working hard in lessons. The parents become defensive and suggest that the cause is the poor behaviour of others and lack of challenge in the lessons. Scenario 3: This child has perfect behaviour for learning, completes all homework and is exceeding their target grade.

7 Supporting students with barriers to learning

8 Parents- How to best cater to our vulnerable pupils

9 Parents Chil d School

10 Art strategies for PPG Art strategies for SEN
-Liaising with external providers who run paid for art clubs/ interventions to provide discount/ free places. Or funding free places through PPG budget. -Plan in advance for no HW, especially if the lesson s dependant on work being done. - Assess PPG and SEN books first, so that they receive ‘fresh’ feedback. -Provide free equipment. - Arrange 1 to 1 meetings with the pupils during break/ lunch, to give extra TLC and ensure expectations are clear. -Differentiate sheets/ resources to meet needs. If resources are usually sent to pupils digitally, consider printing in advance. - Know individual pupils needs. - Ensure that Art studio is a warm and welcoming environment. Invite after school. - Engineer relationships between pupils that allow amazing work to be completed outside of school. - Charge KS4/5 leavers money, to fund PPG projects. This should self-perpetuate. - Target PPG parents at parent’s eve. - Praise, praise, praise. -Include in as many aspects of your Art community (Drama staging/ exhibitions etc). - Look for opportunities to develop relationships with family. - pre-emptively about work set, rather than ing after work has not been done. Better results. -Deploy LSA with clear targets. - Target SEN parents at parent’s eve. -Praise, praise, praise. -Scaffold/chunk tasks

11 In brief -Get in early- Own the narrative.
PPG/ SEN pupils do achieve less nationally. We have the honour of combatting this sad statistic. Pupils and their families are looking for a positive, guiding relationship with the school. How can you make yourself part of that culture? Challenge parents perceptions/ expectations of their children. What is the narrative at home?

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