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Bacteriological STAIN

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1 Bacteriological STAIN
*Stains is any colored, organic compound, that used to stain tissues, cells, cell components, cell contents, or microorganisms. *The stain may be natural or synthetic. *The object stained is called the substrate. *Staining facilitates the observation of a substrate by introducing differences in optical density or in light absorption between the substrate and its surroundings or between different parts of the same substrate

2 According to nature of stain
ACIDIC: Have negative charge so they bind to positively charged cell structures like some proteins. Ex: Nigrosine, Picric acid, Eosin, Acid fuschin, India ink BASIC: Have Positive charge so bind to negatively charged molecules in cell like cell wall. Ex: Crystal Violet, Methylene Blue, Safranin , basic fuschin. NEUTRAL: Both positively and negatively charged imparts different colors to different components. Ex: Geimsa’s stain, Leishman’s stain, Wright’s stain.

3 Bacterial smear


5 Crystal violet, Methylene blue and Carbolfuchsin.
Classification of stains according to the purpose of use 1-Simple stains: Crystal violet, Methylene blue and Carbolfuchsin.

6 Results: All cells have the same color
Morphology – cocci/spherical / rod. Arrangement – clusters/chains.

7 Gram staining 2-Differential stains:
*more than one stains are involved in the staining proses and stains react differently with different cell types. Gram staining

8 Gram Staining Procedure

9 (CV-I) complex

10 Gram staining principles

11 Results for gram stain G –ve and G +ve

12 Factors affecting the efficiency of Gram staining process
1- Bacterial smear thickness 2- Smear fixation 3- Concentration and freshness of reagents may affect the quality of the stain 4- The nature and age of the bacterial culture 5- The washing water False results G -ve may appear as G +ve G+ ve may appear as G-ve

13 Acid-fast stain Acid-fast organisms are characterized by wax-like, nearly impermeable cell walls; they contain mycolic acid and large amounts of fatty acids, waxes, and complex lipids

Carbolfuchsin, is lipid-soluble and contains phenol, which helps the stain penetrate the cell wall

15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

16 How the Acid fast bacteria appear

17 SPECIAL STAINS 1- Capsules Stain (Negative stain) India ink Nigrosine

18 Flagella Stain Leifson’s stain Spores Stain Malachite green

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