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International Migration Law IML

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1 International Migration Law IML
Richard Perruchoud International Migration Law IML

2 Objectives Overview of international public law
Introduction to International Migration Law (IML) Branches of International Public Law, particularly those applicable to IML Sources and components of IML Instruments of IML

3 International Law Distinction between public and private international law Governs legal relations between States- Public International Law Governs legal relations between other subjects of international law- Private International Law

4 Sources of International law
Treaties International Customary Law Judicial Decisions and Doctrine General Principles of Law

5 Branches of International Law
       Air Law and Space Law        Law of the Sea        International Environmental Law        International Criminal Law        The Law of Armed Conflict (Humanitarian Law)        Refugee Law        Human Rights Law        International Trade Law        Intellectual Property Law Others …

6 International Migration Law

7 What is International Migration Law?
Instruments of international law applicable to migration (IOM Glossary) No «worldwide legislature» Has developed over time Compiled from branches of international law & applied to migration issues Different instruments apply depending upon context Distinction between nationals and aliens

8 Components of IML Rights and obligations of persons involved in migration Competences and responsibilities of States

9 Main Sources of International Migration Law
Human Rights Law Migrant Workers Law Humanitarian Law Refugee Law Nationality Law Law of the Sea Criminal Law

10 Instruments of International Migration Law
Human Rights UDHR ICCPR ICESCR CRC ICERD CEDAW CAT ICMW Criminal Law Convention Against Translational Crime Palermo Protocols Migrant Workers Law ILO Instruments ICMW Humanitarian Law Geneva Conventions

11 Instruments of International Migration Law
Law of the Sea Convention on the Law of the Sea FAL Convention International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea Refugee Law 1951 Convention 1967 Protocol Nationality Law Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons

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