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Socio-cultural diversity and national integration

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Presentation on theme: "Socio-cultural diversity and national integration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Socio-cultural diversity and national integration
Gyan Laxmi Shrestha

2 Coverage Social structure and social systems Socio-cultural diversity profile Diversity as an asset Diversity dynamism Diversity management and national integration Nation, nationality and social bond

3 Social Structure and Social Systems
What is structure? What is system?

4 Social Structure and Social Systems
Social structure refers to: A) statuses and roles B) a value C) the way the units of a group or society relate to one another

5 Social Structure and Social Systems
Which of the following is a unit of the social structure? A) a status B) group, institution, association and organization C) all of the above

6 Social Structure and Social Systems
An organization means A) co-ordination of social relationships B) co-ordination of parts C) certain positions

7 Social Structure and Social Systems
State whether the following statements are true or false: A) A social system is an orderly and systematic arrangement of social interaction B) Social system has no sub-system

8 Social Structure and Social Systems
State whether the following statements are true or false: A) Social system is not based on interaction of plurality B) Social system is unrelated to cultural system C) There is a functional relationship between the parts of a social system


10 Socio-Cultural Diversity Profile

11 Close your eyes Imagine that everyone in the room is same Same hair Same height Same weight Same gender Everyone dresses the same and sounds the same Now open your eyes, look around. What do you see?


13 Sex Composition Sources: CBS, 2001 and 2011

14 Age Composition Sources: CBS, 2001 and 2011

15 Urban/Rural Population
Census Year Urban Centers Urban Pop (%) Rural Pop (%) 1961 16 3.6 96.4 1971 4.0 96 1981 23 6.4 93.6 1991 33 9.2 90.8 2001 58 13.9 86.1 2011 17.1 82.9 Sources: CBS, 2001 and 2011

16 Ethnic/Caste Composition
Groups 1991 (%) 2001(%) 2011 (%) Chhetri 16.05 15.8 16.6 Hill Brahmin 13 12.7 12.2 Magar 7.2 7.1 Tharu 6.5 6.8 6.6 Tamang 5.8 5.6 Newar 5 Kami 5.2 4 4.8 Yadav 4.1 Musalman 3.5 4.3 4.4 Rai Kiranti 3 2.8 2.3 Sources: CBS, 2001 and 2011

17 Religion Composition Religion 1991 2001 2011 Hindu 86.51 80.62 81.3
Buddhist 7.78 10.74 9 Islam 3.53 4.2 4.4 Kirat 1.72 3.6 3.1 Christian 0.17 0.45 1.4 Sources: CBS, 2001 and 2011

18 Language Composition Language 1991 2001 2011 Nepali 50.31 48.61 44.6
Maithali 11.85 12.30 11.7 Bhojpuri 7.46 7.53 5.9 Tharu 5.37 5.86 5.77 Tamang 4.89 5.19 5.11 Newar 3.73 3.63 3.2 Bajjika - 1.05 2.99 Urdhu 1.09 0.77 2.61 Doteli 2.97 Sources: CBS, 2001 and 2011

19 Education Composition
Population aged 6 years and above Sex 1991 (%) 2001(%) 2011 (%) Male 54.5 65.5 75.2 Female 25.0 42.8 57.4 Total 39.6 54.1 66.0 Locations Male (%) Female (%) Total (%) Maximum (Kathmandu) 92 80 86 Minimum (Rautahat) 51 32 42 Sources: CBS, 2001 and 2011

20 Different Schools of Thought
Diversity as a problem Diversity as an asset Exercise Work in group/pair You will get 7 minutes Present in plenary

21 Diversity Dynamism Game: D & D

22 Diversity Management and National Integration
Exclusion: an obstacle to open and healthy communication between different ethnic, linguistic, religious, and cultural group Is inclusion the ending of exclusion, or much more than that. Assimilation/Integration Exclusionary inclusion, assimilationist inclusion and multicultural inclusion

23 Diversity Management and National Integration
Representation and participation Improving social and economic life of people in social and political system Equitable society where economic equality, prosperity, and social justice prevail Recognition of diverse cultures and group identities Integration by changing the existing social, economic, political and legal system

24 Nation, Nationality and Social Bond
Dividers Vs Connectors

25 Nation, Nationality and Social Bond
System and Institutions Vs System and Institutions

26 Nation, Nationality and Social Bond
Attitudes and Actions Vs Attitudes and Action

27 Nation, Nationality and Social Bond
Different Values and Interests Vs Shared Values and Interests

28 Nation, Nationality and Social Bond
Different Experiences Vs Common Experience

29 Nation, Nationality and Social Bond
Symbols and Occasions Vs Symbols and Occasions

30 Nation, Nationality and Social Bond
Political Social Economic Psychological

31 Issues in National Integration
Under-representation Discrimination on different ground Illiteracy Regional disparities/uneven development process Social inequalities Regionalism International domination and ideology

32 Factors Promoting National Integration “united we stand but divided we fall"
Constitutional provisions Governmental initiatives Democracy Nation, nationality and binding factors Strengthening state-people interface Strengthening multiculturalism Reducing inequality – vertical and horizontal Promoting balanced development Respecting social and cultural diversity

33 Thank you

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