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Rotational Spectroscopy

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1 Rotational Spectroscopy
Further Applications Rotational Spectroscopy Rotational Spectroscopy W. Udo Schröder, 2005

2 Rotational Spectroscopy
Rigid-Body Rotations Axially symmetric nucleus q Rotational Spectroscopy W. Udo Schröder, 2005

3 Rotational Wave Functions
M I3 due to intrinsic s.p. spins = independent d.o.f. Rotational Spectroscopy W. Udo Schröder, 2005

4 Example Wave Functions
Rotational Spectroscopy W. Udo Schröder, 2005

5 R Invariance of Axially Symmetric Nuclei
3 2 Construct symmetric total wave function: Rotational Spectroscopy “signature” s=(-1)I+K W. Udo Schröder, 2005

6 Example: Rot Spectrum 238U
Even-I sequence I=0+, 2+, 4+,… E2 Rotational Spectroscopy Effect of rotation on nucleonic motion even for Q0 = const. E. Grosse et al., Phys. Scripta 24, 71 (1977) W. Udo Schröder, 2005

7 Rotational Spectroscopy
K Bands in 168Er Bohr & Mottelson, Nucl. Struct. II Different intrinsic spins (K) and parities (r) Mainly E2 transitions within bands K forbiddenness Rotational Spectroscopy W. Udo Schröder, 2005

8 Rotational Spectroscopy
“Back Bending” Bohr & Mottelson, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 44, Suppl. 157 (1977) excited state band ground state band Rotational Spectroscopy At high spins  break up of J=0 pair, reduction of moment of inertia Q. W. Udo Schröder, 2005

9 Rotational Spectroscopy
Super Deformation 152Dy Twin et al., 1986, ARNS 38 (1988) 108Pd(48Ca, xn)156-xnDy* SD band: 19 transitions I≤ 60 DE ≈ 47 keV large Q0 = 19 eb BE2 = 2660 s.p.(W.u.) highly collective Rotational Spectroscopy W. Udo Schröder, 2005 Wood et al., Phys. Rep. 215, 101 (1992)

10 Deformation Energy Surfaces
Tri-axial nuclear shapes: semi axes Rotational Spectroscopy W. Udo Schröder, 2005

11 Angular Distribution of Symmetry Axis
Rotational Spectroscopy W. Udo Schröder, 2005

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