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A Soul Winner for Jesus.

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1 A Soul Winner for Jesus

2 “Who will be a Soul Winner For Jesus? “ Prov. 11:30

3 “The fruit of the righteous is
Proverbs 11:30 “The fruit of the righteous is A tree of life; and he that winneth souls is Wise”

4 To be a Soul winner for Jesus
1. We must be right…in doctrine. Make sure we are teaching them right. I Tim. 4:16 Matt. 5:16 I Pet. 2:21

5 To be a Soul Winner for Jesus
2. We must have might. We rely on God’s power, and His Written Word,not on us! I Cor. 2:2 2 Cor. 4:5 Rom. 1:16 I Tim. 1:15

6 To be a Soul Winner for Jesus
3. We must have sight. We are looking beyond this Life. Heb. 11:6 Heb. 11:13 These all died in faith. John 4:35 “ Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.

7 To be a Soul Winner for Jesus
4. We must Fight the devil. I Pet. 5:8-10 I Tim. 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith 2 Tim. 4:7,8 Pray…Pray…Pray Rom. 10:1-2

8 Who was responsible for you being a Christian and a member at O’Neal?
1. I had a special need - 3% 2. I just walked in. – 3% 3. I liked the preacher. – 6% 4. I visited- 1% 5. I liked the Bible classes – 5% 6. I attended a gospel meeting- 0.5% 7. A friend/or relative invited me. -79%

9 Are you a Soul Winner for Jesus?
Do you help and contribute your time and efforts to The congregation? Do you greet one another by name? Do you practice hospitality? Are you a member who attends ever service and on time?

10 Will you win souls for Jesus?
Will you invite others to church services with you? Why is this so important? 1. To see a caring congregation (Sis. Winnie) 2. To provide opportunities to hear God’s word Action to take: 1. Pray for boldness, wisdom, - then invite! 2. Be friendly to all visitors.

11 Will you win souls to Jesus?
Help make an edifying congregation. Make a prayer list..list the names of souls Pray for them daily. Ask God to help us to be a better people, devoted to Him.

12 A Soul winner for Jesus I want to be a soul winner For Jesus every day, He does so much for me; I want to aid the lost sinner To leave his erring way, And be from bondage free.

13 A soul winner for Jesus A soul winner for Jesus O let me be each day A soul winner for Jesus, A soul winner for Jesus, He’s done so much for me.

14 I want to be a soul winner And bring the lost to Christ, That they His grace may know; I want to live for Christ forever, And do His blessèd will, Because He loves me so.

15 I want to be a soul winner Till Jesus calls for me, To lay my burdens down; I want to hear Him say, servant, You’ve gathered many sheaves, Receive a starry crown.

16 Obey the Gospel Today and Be a Soul winner for Jesus!
Hear. Rom.10:17 Believe. John 8:24 Repent. Acts 17:30-31 Confess. Matt. 10:32-33 Baptized. Acts 2:38 Be faithful. Rev. 2:10

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