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Published byPhilomena van de Brink Modified over 6 years ago
CMPE 152: Compiler Design March 7 Class Meeting
Department of Computer Engineering San Jose State University Spring 2019 Instructor: Ron Mak
The Interpreter The back end executes the source program.
Chapter 12 The Interpreter The back end executes the source program. Uses the symbol tables and the parse trees built by the front end parser. One symbol table per main program, procedure, and function for that routine’s local identifiers. The symbol table is pointed to by the routine name’s symbol table entry.
The Interpreter, cont’d
One parse tree per main program, procedure, and function. For that routine’s compound statement. Pointed to by the symbol table entry for the routine’s name. The interpreter never sees the original source program. Only the symbol tables and parse trees.
Runtime Memory Management
The interpreter must manage the memory that the source program uses during run time. Up until now, we’ve used the hack of storing values computed during run time into the symbol table. Why is this a bad idea? This will fail miserably if the source program has recursive procedure and function calls.
Symbol Table Stack vs. Runtime Stack
The front end parser builds symbol tables and manages the symbol table stack as it parses the source program. The parser pushes and pops symbol tables as it enters and exits nested scopes. The back end executor manages the runtime stack as it executes the source program. The executor pushes and pops activation records as it calls and returns from procedures and functions. These are similar concepts, so don’t confuse them!
Reminders A VARIABLE node in the parse tree contains a reference to the variable name’s symbol table entry. Set in the front end by method VariableParser::parse() The method that takes two parameters. A symbol table entry contains a reference to its parent symbol table. The symbol table that contains the entry.
Reminders, cont’d Each symbol table has a nesting level field.
Therefore, at run time, for a given VARIABLE node, the executor can determine the nesting level of the variable.
Runtime Activation Records
An activation record (AKA stack frame) maintains information about the currently executing routine a procedure a function the main program itself
Runtime Activation Records, cont’d
In particular, an activation record contains the routine’s local memory. values of local variables values of formal parameters This local memory is a memory map. Key: The name of the local variable or formal parameter. Value: The current value of the variable or parameter. Local memory is a hash table!
Runtime Activation Records, cont’d
PROGRAM main1; PROCEDURE proc2a; PROCEDURE proc3; BEGIN ... END; BEGIN {proc2a} proc3; PROCEDURE proc2b; proc2a; BEGIN {main1} proc2b; END. In this example, the names of the routines indicate their nesting levels. AR: proc3 Call a routine: Push its activation record onto the runtime stack. Return from a routine: Pop off its activation record. AR: proc2a AR: proc2b AR: main1 RUNTIME STACK main1 proc2b proc2a proc3
Runtime Access to Local Variables
PROGRAM main1; VAR j : integer; PROCEDURE proc2b; BEGIN j := 14; END; BEGIN {main1} j := 55; proc2b; END. Accessing local values is simple, because the currently executing routine’s activation record is on top of the runtime stack. AR: proc2b j 14 AR: main1 j 55 main1 proc2b RUNTIME STACK
Runtime Access to Nonlocal Variables
PROGRAM main1; VAR i, j : integer; PROCEDURE proc2a; VAR m : integer; PROCEDURE proc3; VAR j : integer BEGIN j := i + m; END; BEGIN {proc2a} i := 11; m := j; proc3; PROCEDURE proc2b; VAR j, m : integer; j := 14; m := 5; proc2a; BEGIN {main1} i := 33; j := 55; proc2b; END. Each parse tree node for a variable contains the variable’s symbol table entry as its VALUE attribute. Each symbol table entry has the variable’s nesting level n. To access the value of a variable at nesting level n, the value must come from the topmost activation record at level n. Search the runtime stack from top to bottom for the topmost activation record at level n. AR: proc3 j 66 AR: proc2a m 55 AR: proc2b j m 14 5 AR: main1 i j 33 11 55 RUNTIME STACK main1 proc2b proc2a proc3
The Runtime Display A vector called the runtime display makes it easier to access nonlocal values. This has nothing to do with video displays!
The Runtime Display, cont’d
Element n of the display always points to the topmost activation record at scope nesting level n on the runtime stack. The display must be updated as activation records are pushed onto and popped off the runtime stack.
The Runtime Display, cont’d
Whenever a new activation record at level n is pushed onto the stack, it links to the previous topmost activation record at level n. This link helps to restore the runtime stack as activation records are popped off when returning from procedures and functions.
Runtime Access to Nonlocal Variables
PROGRAM main1; VAR i, j : integer; PROCEDURE proc2a; VAR m : integer; PROCEDURE proc3; VAR j : integer BEGIN j := i + m; END; BEGIN {proc2a} i := 11; m := j; proc3; PROCEDURE proc2b; VAR j, m : integer; j := 14; m := 5; proc2a; BEGIN {main1} i := 33; j := 55; proc2b; END. AR: proc3 j AR: proc2a m 3 2 AR: proc2b j m 1 RUNTIME DISPLAY AR: main1 i j The runtime display allows faster access to nonlocal values. RUNTIME STACK main1 proc2b proc2a proc3
Recursive Calls PROGRAM main1 FUNCTION func2 FUNCTION func3
PROCEDURE proc2 PROCEDURE proc3 AR: proc2 AR: func3 AR: proc3 AR: func2 AR: proc3 3 2 AR: proc2 1 AR: main1 RUNTIME DISPLAY RUNTIME STACK main1 proc2 proc3 func2 proc3 func3 proc2
Allocating an Activation Record
The activation record for a routine (procedure, function, or the main program) needs one or more “data cells” to store the value of each of the routine’s local variables and formal parameters. TYPE arr = ARRAY[1..3] OF integer; ... PROCEDURE proc(i, j : integer; VAR x, y : real; VAR a : arr; b : arr); VAR k : integer; z : real; AR: proc i x k j y z a b
Allocating an Activation Record, cont’d
TYPE arr = ARRAY[1..3] OF integer; ... PROCEDURE proc(i, j : integer; VAR x, y : real; VAR a : arr; b : arr); VAR k : integer; z : real; AR: proc i x k j y z a b Obtain the names and types of the local variables and formal parameters from the routine’s symbol table.
Allocating an Activation Record, cont’d
TYPE arr = ARRAY[1..3] OF integer; ... PROCEDURE proc(i, j : integer; VAR x, y : real; VAR a : arr; b : arr); VAR k : integer; z : real; AR: proc i x k j y z a b Whenever we call a procedure or function: Create an activation record. Push the activation record onto the runtime stack. Allocate the memory map of data cells based on the symbol table. No more storing runtime values in the symbol table!
Passing Parameters During a Call
PROGRAM main; TYPE arr = ARRAY[1..3] OF integer; VAR index, count : integer; epsilon, delta : real; triplet : arr; PROCEDURE proc(i, j : integer; VAR x, y : real; VAR a : arr; b : arr); ... BEGIN {main} proc(index + 2, count, epsilon, delta, triplet, triplet); END. AR: proc i x 12 j y 84 a b 10 20 30 index count epsilon delta AR: main triplet 10 84 -3.1 0.07 20 30 RUNTIME STACK Value parameters: A copy of the value is passed. VAR parameters: A reference to the actual parameter is passed.
Executing Procedure and Function Calls
Chapter 12
Class CallDeclaredExecutor
Method execute() Create a new activation record based on the called routine’s symbol table. Execute the actual parameter expressions. Initialize the memory map of the new activation record. The symbol table entry of the name of the called routine points to the routine’s symbol table. Copy values of actual parameters passed by value. Set pointers to actual parameters passed by reference.
Class CallDeclaredExecutor cont’d
Method execute() cont’d Push the new activation record onto the runtime stack. Access the root of the called routine’s parse tree. The symbol table entry of the name of the called routine points to the routine’s parse tree. Execute the routine. Pop the activation record off the runtime stack.
Class CallDeclaredExecutor
Method execute_actual_parms() Obtain the formal parameter cell in the new activation record: wci::backend::interpreter::executors::CallDeclaredExecutor.cpp Cell formalCell = newAr.getCell(formalId.getName());
Class CallDeclaredExecutor
Method execute_actual_parms() cont’d Value parameter: wci::backend::interpreter::executors::CallDeclaredExecutor.cpp Object cell_value = expression_executor.execute(actual_node); assignment_executor.assign_value(actual_node, formal_id, formal_cell, formal_typespec, cell_value, value_typespec); Set a copy of the value of the actual parameter into the memory cell for the formal parameter.
Class CallDeclaredExecutor
Method executeActualParms() cont’d VAR (reference) parameter: Method ExpressionExecutor.executeVariable() executes the parse tree for an actual parameter and returns the reference to the value. wci::backend::interpreter::executors::CallDeclaredExecutor.cpp Cell *actual_cell = expression_executor.execute_variable(actual_node); formal_cell->set_value(actual_cell); Set a reference to the actual parameter into the memory cell for the formal parameter.
Class CellImpl Since a memory cell can contain a value of any type or a reference, we implement it simply as a boost::any. wci::Object.h #include <boost/any.hpp> #define Object boost::any wci::backend::interpreter::memoryimpl::CellImpl.cpp Object CellImpl::get_value() const { return cell_value; } void CellImpl::set_value(Object new_value) { cell_value = new_value; }
Runtime Error Checking
Range error Assign a value to a variable with a subrange type. Verify the value is within range Not less than the minimum value and not greater than the maximum value. Method StatementExecutor.check_range() Division by zero error Before executing a division operation, check that the divisor’s value is not zero.
Pascal Interpreter Now we can execute entire Pascal programs! Demo
Midterm Review: Question 1
The parser builds data structures consisting of symbol table entry objects (STEO) and type specification objects (TSO). How are these structures used at compile time? STEO: Store information about locally-declared identifiers. TSO: Represent type information. Both: Assign types to variables. Both: Do type checking in statements and expressions.
Midterm Review: Question 1, cont’d
How does the interpreter use these structures at run time? STEO: Create the memory map for each activation record that’s pushed onto the runtime stack. STEO: Get the values of defined and enumeration constants. TSO: Do runtime range checking for subranges. TSO: Get the data types of array indexes and elements.
Midterm Review: Question 2
How does the symbol table stack … … allow a variable declared in an enclosing scope to be redeclared in the local scope? Push a new symbol table onto the symbol table stack for the local scope. Enter the variable’s name into the local table. … prevent a variable already declared in the local scope from being redeclared in the local scope? First check the local symbol table to see whether the variable’s name is already entered into the table.
Midterm Review: Question 2, cont’d
How does the symbol table stack … … allow two record types defined in the same procedure to declare fields with the same names? Push a separate symbol table for each record type onto the symbol table stack when the parser is parsing the record type specification. Pop it off when the parser is done parsing the specification.
Midterm Review: Question 3
Explain the role of synchronization sets during parsing. Each synchronization set tells the parser what tokens to look for at a particular point of the source program. Some members of the set are tokens that are syntactically valid at that point, and other members are there to allow the parser to recover from syntax errors.
Midterm Review: Question 4
Some programming languages use parentheses to enclose array subscripts and to enclose arguments to function calls. Suppose Pascal did the same. Consider the assignment statement: x := arr(i, 2*j) Describe how the Pascal parser could (or could not) determine whether it is parsing a call to function arr or an access to an element of array arr.
Midterm Review: Question 4, cont’d
x := arr(i, 2*j) By the time the parser is parsing the assignment statement, it would have already parsed the declaration of arr as either an array or a function. Therefore, when the parser encounters arr in the assignment statement, it looks in the symbol table to see how arr was declared.
Midterm Review: Question 5
Suppose Pascal has an exponentiation operator **, so that n**4 represents the mathematical expression n4. Exponentiation has a higher operator precedence level than the multiplicative operators. Therefore, n**i*j is evaluated as (n**i)*j. Furthermore, exponentiation is right-associative, so that n**i**j**k is evaluated as n**(i**(j**k)).
Midterm Review: Question 5
What modifications to the expression, simple expression, term, and factor syntax diagrams are required to accommodate the ** operator? Redraw only the diagrams that change. (Not all the diagrams may need to change, and you may need to add new diagrams.)
Midterm Review: Question 5, cont'd
Midterm Review: Question 5, cont'd
Midterm Review: Question 5, cont'd
Draw the parse tree for the assignment statement r := a**i*j**(n-1)**k You may assume the existence of a node type for the ** operator. r := (a**i) * (j** ((n-1)**k)) := r * ** ** a i j ** - k n 1
Midterm Review: Question 6
Given the Pascal program structure and call chain: PROGRAM main; PROCEDURE procA; PROCEDURE procB; PROCEDURE procC; PROCEDURE procD; PROCEDURE procE; main procD procE procE procA procB procC procB procC procD AR: main AR: procD AR: procE AR: procA AR: procB AR: procC RUNTIME STACK Draw the runtime stack, activation records, and runtime display at the end of the call chain. Show the display pointers and the activation record links. 1 2 3 RUNTIME DISPLAY 4
Midterm Review: Question 7
Suppose Pascal had a LOOP-AGAIN statement For example: Like the REPEAT-UNTIL statement, the LOOP-AGAIN statement can contain any number of statements that will be repeatedly executed. Any one or more (or none) of the contained statements can be a WHEN-LEAVE statement which will cause a break out of the loop if its Boolean expression evaluates to true. A WHEN-LEAVE statement can only appear inside of a LOOP-AGAIN statement. LOOP k := k + 1; WHEN k > 10 LEAVE; j := 2*k AGAIN
Midterm Review: Question 7, cont'd
Draw syntax diagrams for the LOOP-AGAIN and WHEN-LEAVE statements. You may assume that diagrams already exist for “statement” and “expression” and that LOOP, AGAIN, WHEN, and LEAVE are reserved words. LOOP k := k + 1; WHEN k > 10 LEAVE; j := 2*k AGAIN
Midterm Review: Question 7, cont'd
Using only the existing node types defined in class ICodeNodeTypeImpl, draw the parse tree for the LOOP-AGAIN statement shown on the previous page. LOOP k := k + 1; WHEN k > 10 LEAVE; j := 2*k AGAIN
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