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Extreme Penguins: Tools requirements at the analysis frontier

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1 Extreme Penguins: Tools requirements at the analysis frontier
Jeffrey Berryhill (UCSB) for the Radiative Penguin AWG BaBar Analysis Tools Workshop September 30, 2005

2 Analysis Tools and “Extreme” Analyses
Tool development does not occur in a vacuum Necessity is the mother of invention Development driven by analyses with strongest motivation to improve standard methods (“extreme analyses”) because it is a limiting factor/systematic OR because it is a high priority/high manpower result Extreme analysts: *the* natural source of manpower for tools groups If you have extremal needs why are you not part of a tools group? Complaining is evidence of the desire to volunteer

3 Extreme Muon ID B →K(*)mm requires tight PID requirements (~2-4% fake rate) to suppress 50X background from B →K(*)pp AND Highest efficiency possible to measure BF < 10-6 Close interaction between analysts and PID group to continuously improve muon selection (neural net based selector muNNTight) We are very happy with PID killing! See J. Hollar’s talk tomorrow Next step: take maximal advantage of LSTs, retuned matching chi2

4 Extreme Pion ID Rare b→ dg penguin decays have large (40X) peaking background from b→sg decays (Ex: B0 → K*0g mimics B0→ r0g ) Requires efficient pion ID with low K fake rate Run 4 analysis improved upon pionLHVeryTight by adding consistency cut for # of photons in DIRC 80% eff. and <2% fake rate Should turn this into a selector In BetaPID!

5 Extreme Single Photon ID
Inclusive b→ sg BF and photon spectrum requires precisely known Single photon ID efficiency Photon energy resolution Pi0 veto rate Not limiting factors yet, but will be with 1 ab-1 Beyond neutrals group studies, we have studied: DE in K*g Energy scale/resolution in VCS sample VCS energy resolution Data vs.SP4 Need to support these in neutrals group!

6 Extreme Continuum Suppression
For exclusive and inclusive B→ Xg measurements, continuum background is the limiting factor Main tool is feed-forward neural net, as a cut or as a fit variable Includes detailed event shape and tagging info Excellent test case for other multivariate classifier methods (StatPatternRecognition) Has lead to dramatic improvements, so let’s keep working at it! b→sg B→ r,w g

7 Extreme Background Subtraction
For inclusive b → s g measurements, Off resonance sample size is leading statistical error (~8%) S/B is 1/1 with lepton tag to reduce qq background More restrictive taggings (BRECO, D*ln) have not yet proven to be competitive Tagging efficiency needs to be precisely understood (detailed composition of b→cln) Off resonance running needs to be sustained at the 10% level for continued improvement

8 Extreme Background Subtraction
For inclusive b → sg measurements, BB background subtraction precision is leading systematic error (~6%) Requires precise understanding of inclusive particle spectra in B decays: B→Xp0, B→Xh, B→Xr, B→Xw, B→Xp, B→Xe at p > 1-3 GeV Does anyone else care about these?

9 Other Extremes Combinatorics in reconstruction
Exclusive reconstruction of B K+np+g or K+np+ll, n=1-4, is computationally very expensive; can efficiency be improved? Photon energy resolution improvement Will improve S/B in DE for rare decays EMC edge correction helped! Modelling of fragmentation of Xs, Xd Limiting systematic for sum-of-exclusive analysis of b→sg, b→sll Control sample studies in BRECO samples or charmonium samples may be helpful

10 Other Extremes Kaon tracking
Precision tracking studies typically look at only pions Dedicated control sample of kaons would be useful for precisely constraining tracking efficiency and CP asymmetry systematics Isospin asymmetry High precision measurements in K*g and sum-of-exclusive b →sg B0/B+ production ratio already an important systematic; can it be Improved?

11 Charmless Wish List Incremental improvement in hadron PID
Common supported recipe for hadron PID systematics Incremental improvement in p0 systematic error

12 Conclusions The radiative penguin group has a variety of analysis concerns which are limiting factors for their analysis performance Optimal background suppression for rare decays Precision efficiency, resolution and background subtraction in b→sg Primary concerns: PID, Neutrals (single photon) Secondary concerns: tagging, vertexing, tracking, BRECO We should be contributing more manpower to improve the tools

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