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Pecha Kucha.

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Presentation on theme: "Pecha Kucha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pecha Kucha

2 Have a clear focus. Thesis: what is the audience goal?

3 Intro: apply 1 of the methods discussed in packet

4 Organization: look at order of info for creating new categories/combining

5 Add yourself: why is this topic of interest to you? Personal stories.

6 How to set up 20 second slides
Go to transitions Far right menu bar Under “Advance Slide” check mark After :20.00 Then hit “Apply to all” You may choose a transitions you like- bars, wipe, fade etc. Don’t get too crazy with this

You need to rehearse this with your slide show to make sure you at speaking at the right pace and your images support what you are saying. Remember, while you have specific images for your main points, you may have generic images as you speak to fill time Google “Google Classroom” Upload your speech to my Google classroom :

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