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Barriers to communication

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1 Barriers to communication
Task: Write a review of all the presentations you have viewed and your own. P3 and M1 Use a word processing software to write your report. Layout Title Introduction: What are Barriers to Communication and why is it important to be able to recognise them and where possible overcome them? Main body: Your experience as a communicator/audience see suggested approach on the next slides. Your views on possible solutions to other barriers to communication that may exist. Ensure you put all barriers you mention in bold. Conclusion: An overview of what you have learned regarding barriers to communication and their importance.

2 Eye Contact  The people who viewed my presentation said that I gave quite good eye contact but at the start I was looking at the screen. This was a possible barrier for my audience as they could have lost interest. Michael had good eye contact he kept looking at  and the others in the group this made me feel part of the audience and not ignored, this was not a barrier as I was interested from the start. Body Language The people reported that my body language was a bit closed as I had my arms folded they suggested that I open my arms and perhaps point to the screen to highlight a point I have given.Mark did this very well he smiled a lot and nodded when he agreed with the answers that people gave.

3 Active engagement I did not do this very well because although my eye contact was good I did not say hello to my audience at the start or ask them any questions that were not closed so they had limited opportunity to reply. I was advised to Use of open and closed questioning.   I only used closed questions which was  Do you understand that? The people only answered yes and no as it was a closed question. It was suggested that I change that to something like What do you understand by this gave people the opportunity to give a broader answer with more information.                 Use of positive and negative language.  This was quite a short presentation but I did find myself telling people to do things and pointed out negative things like stop fiddling with the keyboard when I should have praised those other people who were not fiddling. It was said that I was positive about peoples answers to my questions saying things like 'Yes good answer'

4 Barriers to communication I observed.
You need to consider the following: background noise. cramped conditions. a small audience.  no projector only a small screen room too warm Audience not interested Audience distracted e.g. headphones in, mucking around. Nobody would answer my questions Religious/cultural barriers Barriers caused by special needs of audience e.g. dyslexia, hearing/sight impaired. Colour blindness. Suggestions for ways to remove those barriers. (M1)   For each of the Barriers you have identified give 2 solutions to those barriers.            

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