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Algorithms: Design and Analysis

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1 Algorithms: Design and Analysis
, Semester 2, 8. Graph Search Objective describe and compare depth-first and breadth-first graph search

2 1. Graph Searching Given: a graph G = (V, E), directed or undirected
Goal: visit every vertex Often the end result is a tree built over the graph called a spanning tree it visits every vertex, but not necessarily every edge Pick any vertex as the root Choose certain edges to produce a tree Note: we might build a forest if the graph is not connected

3 Example search then build a spanning tree (or trees)

4 Two Main Algorithms Depth First Search (DFS)
Usually implemented using recursion More natural / commonly used Breadth First Search (BFS) Usually implemented using a queue Can solve shortest paths problem Uses more memory for larger graphs Running time for both: O(V + E)

5 2. Depth First Search (DFS)
DFS is “depth first” because it always fully explores down a path away from a vertex v before it looks at other paths leaving v. Crucial DFS properties: uses recursion: essential for graph structures choice: at a vertex there may be a choice of several edges to follow to the next vertex backtracking: "return to where you came from" avoid cycles by grouping vertices into visited and unvisited

6 Directed Graph Example
DFS works with directed and undirected graphs. b d e f c Graph G

7 Data Structures enum MARKTYPE {VISITED, UNVISITED}; struct cell { /* adj. list */ NODE nodeName; struct cell *next; }; typedef struct cell *LIST; struct graph { enum MARKTYPE mark; LIST successors; }; typedef struct graph GRAPH[NUMNODES];

8 The dfs() Function void dfs(NODE u, GRAPH G) // recursively search G, starting from u { LIST p; // runs down adj. list of u NODE v; // node in cell that p points at G[u].mark = VISITED; // visited u p = G[u].successors; while (p != NULL) { // visit u’s succ’s v = p->nodeName; if (G[v].mark == UNVISITED) dfs(v, G); // visit v p = p->next; } }

9 Calling dfs(a,G) call it d(a) for short
Call Visited d(a) {a} d(a)-d(b) {a,b} d(a)-d(b)-d(c) {a,b,c} Skip b, return to d(b) d(a)-d(b)-d(d) {a,b,c,d} Skip c d(a)-d(b)-d(d)-d(e) {a,b,c,d,e} Skip c, return to d(d) continued

10 d(a)-d(b)-d(d)-d(f). {a,b,c,d,e,f}
d(a)-d(b)-d(d)-d(f) {a,b,c,d,e,f} Skip c, return to d(d) d(a)-d(b)-d(d) {a,b,c,d,e,f} Return to d(b) d(a)-d(b) {a,b,c,d,e,f} Return to d(a) d(a) {a,b,c,d,e,f} Skip d, return

11 DFS Spanning Tree Since nodes are marked, the graph is searched as if it were a tree: A spanning tree is a subgraph of a graph G which contains all the verticies of G. a/1 b/2 d/4 c/3 e/5 f/6 c

12 Example 2 a b a b c d c d e f e f DFS h h g g
the tree generated by DFS is drawn with thick lines

13 dfs() Running Time The time taken to search from a node is proportional to the no. of successors of that node. Total search time for all nodes = O(|V|) Total search time for all successors = time to search all edges = O(|E|) Total running time is O(V + E) continued

14 If the graph is dense, E >> V (E approaches V2) then the O(V) term can be ignored
in that case, the total running time = O(E) or O(V2)

15 3. Uses of DFS Finding cycles in a graph
e.g. for finding recursion in a call graph Searching complex locations, such as mazes Reachability detection i.e. can a vertex v be reached from vertex u? useful for routing; path finding Strong connectivity Topological sorting continued

16 Maze Traversal The DFS algorithm is similar to a classic strategy for exploring a maze mark each intersection, corner and dead end (vertex) as visited mark each corridor (edge ) traversed keep track of the path back to the previous branch points Graphs

17 Reachability DFS tree rooted at v: what are the vertices reachable from v via directed paths? E D C start at C E D A C F E D A B C F A B start at B

18 Strong Connectivity Each vertex can reach all other vertices a g c d e
b e f g Graphs

19 Strong Connectivity Algorithm
Pick a vertex v in G. Perform a DFS from v in G. If there’s a vertex not visited, print “no”. Let G’ be G with edges reversed. Perform a DFS from v in G’. If there’s a vertex not visited, print “no” If the algorithm gets here, print “yes”. Running time: O(V+E). a G: g c d e b f a G’: g c d e b f

20 Strongly Connected Components
List all the subgraphs where each vertex can reach all the other vertices in that subgraph. Can also be done in O(V+E) time using DFS. a d c b e f g { a , c , g } { f , d , e , b }

21 4. Breadth-first Search (BFS)
Process all the verticies at a given level before moving to the next level. Example graph G (again): a b c d e f h g

22 Informal Algorithm 1) Put the verticies into an ordering
e.g. {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h} 2) Select a vertex, add it to the spanning tree T: e.g. a 3) Add to T all edges (a,X) and X verticies that do not create a cycle in T i.e. (a,b), (a,c), (a,g) T = {a, b, c, g} a b c g continued

23 Repeat step 3 on the verticies just added, these are on level 1
i.e. b: add (b,d) c: add (c,e) g: nothing T = {a,b,c,d,e} Repeat step 3 on the verticies just added, these are on level 2 i.e. d: add (d,f) e: nothing T = {a,b,c,d,e,f} a level 1 b c g d e a b c g level 2 d e f continued

24 Repeat step 3 on the verticies just added, these are on level 3
i.e. f: add (f,h) T = {a,b,c,d,e,f,h} Repeat step 3 on the verticies just added, these are on level 4 i.e. h: nothing, so stop b c g d e level 3 f h continued

25 Resulting spanning tree:
b a different spanning tree from the earlier solution c d e f h g

26 Example 2

27 Algorithm Graphically
pre-built adjency list start node



30 BFS Code boolean marked[]; // visited this vertex? int edgeTo[]; // vertex number going to this vertex void bfs(Graph graph, int start) { Queue q = new Queue(); marked[start] = true; q.add(start); // add to end of queue while (!q.isEmpty()) { int v = q.remove(); // get from start of queue for (int w : graph.adjacentTo(v)) // v --> w if (!marked[w]) { edgeTo[w] = v; // save last edge on a shortest path marked[w] = true; q.add(w); // add to end of queue } } // end of bfs()

31 5. DFS vs. BFS Applications DFS BFS
Spanning forest, connected components, paths, cycles Shortest paths Biconnected components

32 DFS and BFS as Maze Explorers
DFS is like one person exploring a maze do down a path to the end, get to a dead-end, backtrack, and try a different path BFS is like a group of searchers fanning out in all directions, each unrolling a ball of string. at a branch point, the searchers split up to explore all the branches at once if two groups meet up, they join forces (using the ball of string of the group that got there first) the group that gets to the exit first has found the shortest path

33 BFS Maze Graphically Also called flood filling; used in paint

34 Sequential / Parallel The BFS "fanning out" algorithm is best implemented in a parallel language, where each "group of explorers" is a separate thread of execution. e.g. use fork and join in Java The earlier implementation uses a queue to implement the fanning out as a sequential algorithm. DFS is inherently a sequential algorithm.

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