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The Late Industrial Period

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Presentation on theme: "The Late Industrial Period"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Late Industrial Period
Unit 6:2 The Late Industrial Period


3 Henry Bessemer

4 Alfred Krupp

5 Michael Faraday

6 Thomas Edison

7 Gottlieb Daimler

8 Early Gas-Powered Internal Combustion Engine

9 Daimler’s Four-Wheeler

10 Henry Ford

11 Ford’s Assembly Line

12 Ford’s Model T

13 Model T Assembly Line

14 The Wright Brothers Orville and Wilbur

15 Samuel F.B. Morse

16 Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922

17 Guglielmo Marconi

18 Napoleon III r

19 Changes in Paris



22 Transportation Lines in Paris


24 Eiffel Tower

25 Louis Pasteur 1822-1895 Pasteurization

26 Joseph Lister 1827-1912 Use of antiseptics in surgery

27 Florence Nightingale 1820-1910 Cleanliness Standards in Hospitals

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