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County Support for Section 404 Assumption

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1 County Support for Section 404 Assumption
Keith Carlson, Executive Director Minnesota Inter-County Association

2 Simplifies the Wetlands Permitting Process
Any contractor – public or private – will only have to go through one, rather than two, permitting processes for projects that have a wetland impact The contractor will only have to deal with one, rather than two, regulatory agencies This will save time and it will save money It will not reduce wetland protection Minnesota Inter-County Association

3 No Reduction in the Protection and Retention of Wetlands
Both the federal Clean Water Act and the state Wetland Conservation Act will continue in effect and require appropriate mitigation of adverse wetland impacts. Wetland replacement at the appropriate levels – usually at a 2:1 ratio – will continue to apply BWSR or DNR and the EPA will still retain oversight authority to see that state and federal laws’ requirements are being met. Minnesota Inter-County Association

4 Minnesota Inter-County Association
Challenges Remain Wetlands Conservation Act (WCA) and Section 404 need to be harmonized so they can be administered together Requirements of both laws must be observed It will take funding for dedicated staff to identify policy revisions necessary to gain EPA approval for assumption That should include optimization of the role of local government (consistent with current WCA permitting) The mapping of waters that may be assumed needs to be completed Minnesota Inter-County Association

5 Legislation to Begin the Process of Assumption Has Been Introduced
SF 962, Mathews While the bill with appropriate funding will lay the groundwork for assumption, a final application for assumption will not occur without additional legislative signoff Delay in legislative action will likely allow other states to get ahead of Minnesota in the queue for section 404 assumption Minnesota Inter-County Association

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