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Technology Use Expectations

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Use Expectations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Use Expectations
Division III

2 Brainstorm Discussion
What does it mean to be a good citizen? What does it mean to be a good digital citizen? How can we make sure students are good digital citizens at St. Augustine?

3 What kinds of technology can we use at St. Augustine?
Chromebooks iPads Laptops BYOD: iPods, Phones, tablets, etc.

4 Student Expectations All user should: Respect copyright laws.
Respect privacy and personal information for all staff and students. Use devices when instructed (school purposes only). It should not be used as a distraction. Access websites with appropriate content (as directed by the teacher). Ensure technology equipment is not damaged or misused. Upon entering the classroom, students ensure ear buds are removed, POD turned off and placed in a location of the teacher’s discretion. Failure to follow these expectations will affect student’s opportunity to use their personal or school-based device.

5 Student Scenarios

6 Scenario 1 I have a free minute in class so I take a bit of time to check my text messages and respond to them quickly.

7 Scenario 1 - Answer You should not be using your personally owned device unless instructed to do so in class. It is fine to read and respond to text messages at lunch time or before or after school but not during class time.

8 Scenario 2 My Mom texted me saying that she has to pick me up early for an appointment so I respond back right away.

9 Scenario 2 - Answer Any communication between you and your parents during school hours should go through the office. Phoning at lunch time is best but if that is not possible, politely explain the situation to your teacher and ask if you may make a phone call at the office. Remind your parents that all communication to you should be done through the office.

10 Scenario 3 My teacher said I can use Google to research a Renaissance painter. Since I have my phone out and I’m done early, I take a few minutes to check Instagram.

11 Answer – Scenario 3 Any and all use of your personally owned device during class time should be used for school-purposes ONLY. Do not assume that you are allowed to check social media just because you are using your device in a class.

12 Scenario 4 I found a great website with all of the information I needed for my Science research essay on Heat and Thermal Dynamics. I took some of that information directly from the website and put it in my essay.

13 Answer – Scenario 4 Taking information directly from a website or another source such as a book is allowed. However, taking information from a source and presenting it as your idea is PLAGIARISM. Plagiarism is not allowed and you need to take several steps to make sure that you are not presenting that information as your own idea. If you are unsure about how to use information from a website or other source, ask your teacher.

14 Scenario 5 I took a picture of my friends at lunch time and posted it to Instagram.

15 Answer – Scenario 5 If your friends give you permission to post their picture, then it is okay to do so. A good digital citizen does not post other people’s pictures or personal information if they do not have permission from that person.

16 Scenario 6 I took a video of Ms. Yip conducting the band and posted it to YouTube.

17 Answer – Scenario 6 You are not to take video or photographs of staff without their EXPLICIT permission. When asking permission, be clear and honest about what you intend to use it for and delete it off of your device as soon as you’ve uploaded it to YouTube.

18 Scenario 7 Ms. Bohaychuk mentioned something in science class that I wanted to learn more about so I took out my phone and Googled it.

19 Answer – Scenario 7 This is a great idea! Connecting what you’re learning in the classroom to the outside world is critical to being a good learner. In this case, you need to proceed with caution.  Simply ask your teacher if you can Google it or make a note of it somewhere (agenda or in your notes) so that you can Google it later. DO NOT use your device without permission.

20 Scenario 8 The bell went while I still had a Chromebook out. I didn’t want to be late for my next class so I left it on top the cart on the way out the door.

21 Answer – Scenario 8 You should never leave a Chromebook on top of a cart. It could easily be broken by being bumped or shoved onto the floor. They MUST always be placed back in the correct slot and PLUGGED IN. If you are running late, simply explain to your teacher in the next class that you were helping to put away the Chromebooks.

22 Scenario 9 I was using iMovie to create a movie trailer for Language Arts and I removed all of the images from the iPad once I was done with them.

23 Answer – Scenario 9 iPads have a limited amount of memory space available on them. This situation was handled very well because students who use the iPad in the future will not have to spend time deleting someone else’s photos or videos.

24 Scenario 10 When I used pictures from the internet to add to my PowerPoint presentation, I made sure to include information about the website I got it from.

25 Answer – Scenario 10 Just like when you use information from a website, pictures must be properly cited as well. You should at least provide a URL link for where you found the picture and include it in the project. Ask a teacher for further clarification if it is needed.

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